AIM Rant.

Anyone else notice the weird fad all of a sudden with away messages?

I have probably 180 people on my buddy list online at any given point, the amount of those that are on away messages is typically around 165-170ish. With the feature to chat while staying away has caused this to become a widespread thing. Ever since using AIM when it first came out in beta form to now, I’ve never seen this happen as often as I see it now.

Also I see it “trendy” and “cool” to be as creative and leave huge long colorful away messages just to let everyone know that you are downstairs painting you nails or some bs lame thing to look awesome!

Meh, whatever. Just felt like seeing if anybody else has noticed this too?

Its mostly so they dont have annoying people IMing them and bothering them while they talk to people they want to.

AIM’s been this way since the away message was invented like 7 years ago :roll2:

i never take my away off. but yeah, it’s mostly because i don’t want people to talk to me when i don’t want them to. i don’t really ever change my away message either. meh.

I go even further and set my idle to make it look like I’m out doing something interesting… when I’m really pretty much just sitting here.

Maybe my friends just caught onto this haha.

Either way, I know who cares right? Just figured I’d see if it wasn’t just me.

I think it was gaim or deadaim where you could set how long you’ve been “idle” for.

My brother had some weird stalker and it worked like a charm.

basically haha

I just leave mine on because I constantly walk away…

The best are the people that actively use it…

XXX is available
XXX is watching some tv
XXX is late for work running to work quickly
XXX is coming back from work cause XXX for got her keys
XXX is Done with work coming home for good UGH
XXX is <random fall out boy lyrics> sleeping
XXX is up showering for school
XXX is available
XXX is pooping quickly
XXX is at school :frowning: “I hate classed”

I do it when i dont want to talk to certain people

I’m trendy, I specifically make sure it’s turned-off when I’m away.

worse when you just dont put one up… and you write someone. you know they havent been sitting at there computer all day but still

i always forget to leave one up lately.

I like using my aways to make me sound cool cuz i know everyone reads my away messages.


Hanging out with X

Calling X

Jerking off thinking about X

I never use one, so when people want to talk to me and im not there, they think im ignoring them and feel bad.

^^ meh. They’ll get over it haha.