Airsoft Gun- 2008 UTG M4 Tactical AEG Marker

Selling this for a good friend of mine, here is what’s included:

  • The AEG Marker

  • Battery

  • Barrel jam stick

  • Removable/Adjustable
    rear and front irn sites

  • (11) Fore grip Covers

  • Hi-cap 300 rd magazine

  • 1KG pack P.S.B.B. ammo (2/3 empty)

  • Home wall charger

  • Mid-cap 80 rd G&G Magazine

  • BB speed loader

  • Tasco Pro Point Red/Green Dot Scope with 5 levels of intensity for each color(needs a battery)

Looking for $375.
He bought this a year ago and still hasn’t gone through the first bag of bb’s
It is in mint condition, only a couple minor nicks on the magazine. Marker shoots around 350fps and is full metal construction. Reason he is selling it is to buy a road bike. Any questions PM me or call me at 315-521-9861, Jimmy. I have several vouches on other forums and over 40 positive feedbacks on e-Bay.

GLWS looks fucken schweeet!

New Gun- $250 (300 rd magazine, batt, charger, jam rod)
Random - $50
Foregrip - $20
Scope - $30
BBs - $5
SpeedLoader - $3

Can you work with me on the price? These prices all came from e-bay and I matched very closely to what you’re offering.

I will talk to him tomorrow and see what he says.

Thanks. This is what I’m looking for, but I expect to pay a “used for a year” price.

I’m looking at several other guns, and I’m in the process of building a Barrett off of e-bay.

I just bought an M4, looking for some stuff for it. Let me know if he wants to part any of it out cheap, or sell this one cheap so I have another gun.

Please call me with a “sale” price when you get a chance. 901-1081 I have a couple guys looking for guns.

Just an FYI - I just bought an M4, used, for $65 and it (shoots 365fps @ War Store today), and will put shots through a nickel sized hole @ 25ft all day. I love this thing. :slight_smile:

^ I wouldn’t advise showing up to any real game with that thing. Unless your purpose is to not have any fun.

As for the UTG, nice gun. Very reliable, very durable, very heavy and realistic. Gearbox is solid on these too, Im pretty sure the UTG stock gearbox is the only one we haven’t managed to crumble into pieces yet. If the price goes down a little bit I might know some people interested.

not to thread bash but this exact same sale is on craigslist for 375$ with the same pictures and all. some im guessing the exact same one, but higher price on here, any reasons?

^^^Can you post me the link.

I am selling it for a friend of mine, and he told me to put $460. He must have changed the price and put an ad on craigslist for $375, and never told me about the price change.

Edit: found the link

New price is $375. Thanks yeamabu for pointing that out

That looks freaking awesome. I would love to just carry that around shooting things.

yeah man, sorry didnt want to kill your sale for him, but noticed everything was the same, if it was someone elses sale, i wouldnt have said a word so you could have mad what ever money he was looking for.

^^^I’m glad that you did say something. He said the $460 or whatever is what he paid, and I misunderstood him. I thought thats how much he wanted for it lol

hahahah, nice! well glade i was able to help you on that.

glws for your buddy


I can shoot it anywhere and won’t get kicked off for shooting hot. I put about 3000 rounds through it without a problem. Just started to wing them left and right, so I have to look into that.

I’ve won paintball games with broken guns, its the same crowd.



Can I come play with my gun?

see below :wink: