Al Gore's kid gets stopped at 100mph in a Prius

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:17,topic:31895"”]

Really? Taking a combination of 5 depressants makes time appear to go faster? This is condtridictary to Discovery Science programs on “Time”, “Exploring Time”, and “How Animals Tell Time”, where in labs rats were conditioned to activate a button in 20 sec intervals. After being subjected to marajuana the preceived time went slower, not faster. Adversely when subjected to cocaine time went faster.

Just another example of closed minded conservative views on the effects of marajuana.


It’s called a joke.

Just another example of a liberal having his head so far up his ass that he fails to see the light right in front of his face.

Personally, I don’t give a shit if they legalize it or not. There are much more important issues that I base my political affiliation on.


That is impossible, I know I’ve tried.

I think it goes Tercel -> Echo -> Prius


have u also tried offroading in your tercel? i did and it didnt go very well but hey it was fun anyways. haha and the time my cat fell off and it sounded like a freight train from hell.

aw man i’ve been up since 7:30, fixed my hatch actuator on teh GSR, took it in to get the grinding sound diagnosed by my vette mechanic, and am already halfway through a sixer of cherry wheat. fuck al gore’s son, i hope he goes broke from this shit and has to ride a unicycle alongside fred savage to wherever he works or attends school, and is punished by all eternity by having to do all maintenance himself on said prius to 150K without going insane

he probly didnt even know what he was doing on that combination. A strong opiate mixed with xanax will make you forget the day.

lol damn you jay… I was just about to post this

oh and :lol:


Prius can apparently hit 130mph


How? During free fall? I bet it would need those racing hubcaps to do it too.


have u also tried offroading in your tercel? i did and it didnt go very well but hey it was fun anyways. haha and the time my cat fell off and it sounded like a freight train from hell.


I could barely move across smooth pavement, let alone grass.


I could barely move across smooth pavement, let alone grass.


whats the matter, 4 gears just werent doing the trick? or was it just leaking so much oil that it wouldnt move?

3-speed auto, running on 3 cylinders 50% of the time burning a quart a week. It was pretty badass.


Prius can apparently hit 130mph



2004 Prius with the stock Hybrid Synergy Drive® system, plus a couple of modifications: bigger wheels and tires, and a change in gearing.

The gear modifications make takeoff from the starting line a bit challenging, but at Bonneville, that is no problem. Rules allow vehicles to get a push start because top speed is the main concern.
not stock, nor any mention of racing hubbies.

nvm ^^