i like it!!!
strong work! looks like fun :thumbup
Absolutely sick, makes me miss having RWD
Anybody have any info on the white 86 with the cage? I see the car whenever I go to Synapse. He lives down the road.
thats dempseys, i believe it has an s2000 drivetrain
you are correct.
That is disgustingly awesome.
Nice! That old BMW was working it. :lol
Pics look good!!..It was definitely fun to watch in person…
the white corolla is a full s2000 d/t in it chris dempsey owns it
I tech’d dempseys car the install was super clean. You’d think that motor belonged in that car.
nice pics Ron! Editting work is pretty legit.
some came out great some im not so happy with. That was a tough day to get footage between the muddy infield and the way the cars were running the track.
Very nice pics given the conditions. Can’t wait to have my car back together to hit the rest of this season up!