alex stop crying there here

as far as cop goes most of them are pretty ok as long as you have nothing to hide. in fact me and chris(flatsil40) had a pretty long chat with this cop from brampton that was inside timmies. he even left his partner in the car while we were talking. lol. he drives a lightly modded mazda speed 6 and was even drifting his impala in the parking lot.

Do you know any of the z33 guys from tnc?..

FYI- most of the z33 owners are (I am much) older then your avg TNC member. So when we see the “youths” acting a fool, we tend to step back and let them be.
We don’t want, nor do we need that type of heat…

Anytime I attend a meetup, I go out of my way to say hi to the ppl I know.

Its funny that when us “z33” guys setup a meet, that more then 30+ cars show up.
Wow, we must really be anti-social…

lol i have yet to see you at any of last years tnc meets? no one went out of their way with a z33 …that was also absent from the meet to say hi to anyone.

as for being older…age will never hold me down. gotto hit it sideways man

Really,then you must be a blind person, as I attended 3 meets last year.
Also at the year ender, we had about 7-8 cars show up.
Ask alex, pat or terry…
Now, go and get your facts straight before shooting from the hip…

Nobody said anything about age holding anyone down… Its all about acting maturely & using common sense.

hahaha Church… you’re only like what? 30 or 40 years older than me? And yes. I’m 23 like my profile says.

Amen. So very true. You do it unlike most other TNC members.

YOu bastard! hahahha
*only 10 yrs…:frowning: *

Thank you Pat.
*gota show love for the z32!..:smiley: "

hey im not here to fight with you anways. i just have yet to see any of you guys at a meet, ill keep my eyes open this year tho.

but i was at about 5-6 of them and didnt see you guys.
im not shotting from no hip lol

i myself also walk around the meets and talk to others. as long as otherpeople sare a passion for their car i am down to hear about it…i also worked at adesa toronto a car auction for quite some time and im not gunna lie i loved beating on 350z’s lol good power

yea flatsil40, even though i havent really talked to him much, i’ve seen him a couple times at meets. Btw, i havent met you in person yet even though you’re so frequent on SON and TNC. Should host a meet this weekend as i’m back in town. CG is like my back yard, i live like 2 minutes down hwy7

lol ill probably be at cg either Friday or Saturday…but i may also be there come Sunday, its my girlfriends birthday on Saturday so Friday we are going to have dinner then Saturday we are going to dave and busters…people are welcome to come if you guys want, even tho the games there are not as 1337 as lovegety lollll

by the way didnt you see me there once but we didnt talk?

is that place actually a secret? lol roll eyez. Thats the first thing i pointed out when i first came to chill in that area, which was 7 years ago lmfao o ya z33ppl anti social LMFAO lmost of the z33 owners are (I am much) older then your avg TNC member. So when we see the “youths” acting a fool, we tend to step back and let them be.
We don’t want, nor do we need that type of heat…
actually no comment because i love this site too much to make stupid comment

Besides some of the activities David mentioned i see absolutely nothing wrong with sharing a playground.

i like being anti-social. it saves my z’s tires from getting randomly kicked by some retard :hmm

Lol maybe i did see you at a meet. I’m thinking now, probably kennedy commons somewhere around august or september

ROFL there wass like 8 black Z33’s .

and im sorry , i know a few of the z33 guys and i have nothing against you BUT .
over reving engines and speeding down langstaff could constitute as " acting a fool " or w/e either way im baller/


Then look at me :wink:


2 extremely prime examples

@church and chris
both of you do go out of your way to say hi to people. in fact the last tnc meet its was church that first said hi to me out of all the z33 guys. also chris is a very friendly guy and does go up to people to say hi as well. both of you are stellar people. so please stop the fighting. age absolutely has nothing to with it. especially when it comes to girls(church likes to get them before they graduate high school). :wink: lol. this thread was supposed to be about my pics. :frowning: now both of you go to speedorama and visit me.

p.s. to rabbit and osad. im never talking to either of you again… :frowning:

Alex, they’re right, you need to up your maturity man, some of the shit you do makes me wonder if your lying about your age

on another note, alex is right too, if you dont do stupid shit in a spot, cops wont harass you. i can more than likely get us meets at square one without security harassment (tom and alex have seen me prove it) but the moment one person ruins it for us then we’re done.

The only z33 member you know is david. You have never said squat to any others… So stop your flaming. This discussion is over.

Alex, sorry for the OT man.