All that is MAN!

~I always wanted to run from the cops, just to see if I could get away. Every time I pass a trooper in the 219 I think “Should I drop it into third to see what he does?” Then I say no no no don’t do it. Someday I might crack and do it.

~When I’m driving my Jeep on the thru-way and there is a slow driver in the passing lane which forces me to pass them in the middle lane, as soon as my front bumper is up to their rear bumper I want to PIT them. I imagine their stupid face freaking out and not knowing what to do. Then I picture their car slamming into the median. It makes me happy.

~Catch a fish, then ram a M-80 in its mouth, light it and throw it back. It only thinks it survived.

~I also always want to take my pack, a gun with a boat load of ammo, and basic supplies (hatchet, flint, sleeping bag, wire, etc.) into the woods and try to live there forever. I’d like to build my own little hut and what not, set up traps, fish and hunt for food, as well as start my own little garden with maybe berries, apple tree, potatoes, mushrooms (none acid containing ones) and just live out my life in tranquility. Possible next to a water falls. I think I could last a while, but idk.

~ Using this weird little girlie looking thing (~)