All that is MAN!

A-10 WartHog > Killdozer

false, there is nothing tougher than killdozer. while the warthog may be more powerful, it was not secretly built in a garage by one man with the sole purpose of rampaging HIS town who fucked him over.

Donā€™t forget he was also manly enough to give his beretta a blowjob

whey powder
anal seepage

tougher was the wrong word to useā€¦ against an A10

  1. curly ball hair
  2. yellow pit stains
  3. taking a shit and not wiping your ass and not caring
  4. ripping phone books with bare hands
  5. paying more for car insurance
  1. getting hammered every week at the square
  2. white mustang cobras
  3. motherfucking war on TERROR license plates
  4. DUAL nitrous purge



I still stand by the fact that there is nothing more MAN specific than a reach around


oh the killdozer. most BA thing ever.


pshhhh, letā€™s get serious, and you donā€™t win by much:

idk, id rather be sitting in this thing if they were to get into a head on collision.


real manly

  • not giving HIV meds to africa
  • hahahahaah HIV
  • magic johnson
  • wtf is a condom?
  • needles are sweet

getting black eyes at the godsmack concert

laying some kid out in the pit

stealing a motherfucking grilled chesse sandwich like a tugg on the way home


god damnit im tough :eek:


killed em this time