All that is Woman....

being able to iron well is pretty vital.

while we’re heading down this slippery slope… i get annoyed at too much cleaning, or cleaning hurrily in advance of guests…

If the kid’s talking, AND breastfeeding, that’s kinda creepy.

But back to all that is woman:

Putting up with my shit.
Making a mean pie.

I have seen a 3 y/o toddler feeding off of a fat lady.
Not in a cool zombie way either.

He commentary was: “breast feeding keeps the weight off” :eek:
She probably needed several more toddlers for that to work.

Whats wrong with some titty sucking? :gotme:
If he didn’t want those tit’s, I’d be worried about his sexuality.

But anyways…

My wife saw a kid breastfeeding once that very clearly requested “Other breast please mom.”



Tupperwear parties or any party that allows a group of women to gather and waste their husbands money.


Sex Toy Party.

Def not compatible with straight guys. lol

Neither are most women in attendance?

i’d like to mark this occasion. Just Karter said something that i totally agree with.

let the world know

avon? i’d be happy if my wife was buying such cheap shit

it’s still hyper-chick-shit


  • victoria’s secret
  • sex in the city
  • gossip girl
  • feelings

+1 for feelings.



the heartbeat is optional

  • Oprah
  • virginia slims
  • white zinfandel
  • cosmopolitan (the drink and the magazine)

I think you went from appreciation of women to straight homosexual.

Unless you are a woman.