Attn: +35 crowd

To whom it may concern:

1.) This is a young Mans world, if you don’t like it, leave.

2.) Your comments and smilies suck, but at least your post counts are high.

3.) You should surrender your female to us younger, and more adgile men who can serve this women properly.

4.) You have this all to common smell of mothballs, it radiates from your body, nothing takes it away, so stop Marinadeing your Jean Jacket in Old Spice thinking you have removed the stench.

5.) You know its time to give in and buy those dentures when your tooth brush only massages your gums. Just like you gave in back when the combover wasn’t reaching the opposite ear, and you decided to shave your head to look more “intimidating” rather than bald.

6.) Maybe you should get into VW Bettles, the shape of the car resembles the shape of your body more so than a Camaro

7.) The movie Title “Grumpy old Men” is just that. a MOVIE title, it does not indicate that once you become old, you must become Grumpy, try answering the phone with Hello, rather than WHAT!, What Do You Want. cause for a moment I almost thought, Shit Jeff forgot to Tell him how to turn the Hearing aid on…

Thats all for now 10-Four :tounge:

:rofl: not bad

LAME agian my son,attenion pewterss would of been better!
u have no e-fighting skills,please learn & try again!thank u,old>u

first-bass nailed it. These old fuckers are a pain in the ass!

HAd “I” directed this towards any one person in particular, Then I would have been guilty of saying soething about another members wife, therfore entitleing me to a ban.
Think what you want, but this thread is in general toward all of those over 35
If you want it to be targeting you then so be it

…it is, what it is…

Hey Jeff your in this catigory too old man.


well 1,2&3 are me ,so 4 must be to,so i guess u get a :ban:

But my body only resembles the V part of the VW! There will be a pushup contest at the picnic. Bring it on!

I am getting grumpy though. :smiley: Oops, I mean :mad:

guess this thread is not directed towards you, completly then :bigthumb:

take it as you may,

like i said, it is whats it is…

lame & lamer,thank u,

Lame is you useing lame in every fucking post as if the word Lame was just introduced to america, find a new word hill billy bumpkin, I realize that out in the cut it takes a while for things to get to you but shit find a new way to be “Cool” :asshole:


thats only because his vocabulary is limited.

let me see here young man,i think if u give pewter & i your wife for a night,she would make u change #3!brian says that u cant e-fight & from what i read ,he’s correct!have a nice day!

hello Chris!:naughty:

freaky deaky going on in bridgeport

:owned: Thanks hun!!:bowrofl:


First bass… shut the fuck up. You act like you are getting younger or something. You couldn’t handle an older woman. You are not mature enough nor do you have the stamina.

Christmas gift? :smiley:


He has a kilo of coke and a bottle of viagra,he is set!:smiley: