girl drivers.

So heres how it goes, make a list of all the girl drivers you know who are really bad, in order from worst to least.

  1. Melanie Kowaloski’s Cousin Sam

  2. Melanie Kowaloski

  3. Amber Garrow < my boo :wink: >

  4. Ellen Touffy

the good ones i give mad respect for because these ones just make such a bad stereotype

:idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :idiots :fail


Since I don’t know any girls in the first post and theres no nude pics… I’m going to have to agree with Joey and Mark


Hahaha you know Amber Garrow too?

yeah he dates me.

pics or ban.

This thread just gained a lot of potential



You know who this is right? loll :banana

she knows who it is, because i told her and i dont even know you, i just know you from stories she and laduke tells me. hahhaha

What stories? :lol

no pics. :stfu

no tits? :wtf

but lets not forget we have full names

TO MYSPACE!!! :banana

dumbest thread of the year

I’d have to agree.

There are some girls who drive 100x better than some guys. I know a guy in FL (I was there on vacation and he happened to stop by the girls house I was staying with so she could take him to retake his drivers license road test) that couldn’t back out of a 40ft driveway. I have a 600ft driveway that has a turn in it and I can back up it at 20mph without issue.

Some people (not limited to gender) just can’t drive. Period.


no no no… I agree that women cannot drive for shit, but starting a thread on a forum full of complete strangers and naming names is absolutely stupid and lame.

Why post girls names that suck at driving when chances are there is only one other person that might even know them…and does joey count as a girl cause hes scary as shit to ride with