she started her car up to get warm in the morning… went inside… comes back out and what does she see??? NO CAR!!
SIDE NOTE- this was her very first car… 2001ish accord 5 spd
first thought! STOLEN!!
so she walks out side and sees nothing there,… crying…
then she looks down here driveway… [slight hill] for about 100 ft then road then row of big trees!~
guess what happend?
it strolled down into the big pine trees!! totalled her first new car!! in a whole week!!
this was out my dads house… nieghbor… haha
what no pics 
stupid women drivers:tounge: 
i guess she took the parking break off
this is the kinda thing that makes me think every person should have a video camera at all times.
girls = teh suck
when it comes to cars
Shit you think thats bad. My wife hit the house while pulling forward during daylight. :rolleyes: Now she is botheirng me to get a new car…
Yeah Fucking right. I should give her my winter beater and I;ll go buy a new car. 
My wife backed over a large rock in someone’s yard in the van. Got stuck, had to get it towed off the rock. No damage, pretty funny.
My Japanese teacher couldn’t figure out why her car was running oddly…
she has a BIG ORANGE CONE stuck up in her wheel well…
…and she didn’t notice it!!
Shit you think thats bad. My wife hit the house while pulling forward during daylight. Now she is botheirng me to get a new car…
It was NIGHT TIME… :rant: :rant: :rant:
Originally posted by huskysgrl
It was NIGHT TIME… :rant: :rant: :rant:
Nope it was 7:30 pm in the summer so it was still late, you just didn’t tell me till night time. :tounge:
Now she is botheirng me to get a new car…
Oh yeah, and I’ll always want a new car, but really all I want is $350 so that pewter can FIX my car… 
Originally posted by huskysgrl
Oh yeah, and I’ll always want a new car, but really all I want is $350 so that pewter can FIX my car…
You fucked it up so it must have not been that important to you to keep in good condition in the first place. Suffer…:tounge: