All you mofo's that wear baggy pants.......

Just to combat Afrank a little further.
Let’s just say that this law was racist…and I use the term loosely.

Let’s look at the side effects.
People wearing stupid looking, non fitting clothes have to buy things that fit. - Supports the economy
These new clothes cause people to not look at the person a thug and take them more seriously - Increased respect and self respect.
The new clothes won’t make a person look like a moron when they go to apply for a job. - Increased employment opportunities.

Yeah this is really a case of the white man keeping a brother down :bloated:

Again I don’t agree with legislating clothing, but it’s hard to find a down side to this law.

Plus, I think people in general dress like shit. I long for the days of the pre 60’s where people wore suits everywhere they went. If I see another fat bitch wearing sweatpants, uggs, a tank top, with huge sunglasses and her gunt sticking out, I am going to vomit. People have no self respect anymore and are willing to walk out of the house looking like they just rolled a homeless guy for his clothes.