ALPINE Install from Rainbow...


Very Clean :tup: Question though, does your trunk rattle and how is the sound? In my old '99 Grand Am when I had 2 12" RF HE2’s facing forward it didnt sound that great, then I turned the subs facing backwards and it got much louder.


The Type R’s sound good :tup: . I wouldn’t be able to tell a difference now compared to before because it is all new stuff. These speakers are definitely better than what I had before. I had two 12s facing the rear which shook the trunk like a bastard. I put in Fat Mat to cure that problem. The new setup doesn’t shake too bad. There is always a little shaking even with the Fat Mat still there. If I put the windows up the Sunroof dances quite a bit though.

The setup I had before was 2 Q-Power 12s in a sealed box around 1 cu-ft per speaker (seperate chambers) at 300W RMS per speaker. Now I have the 2 Type R’s in a shared space sealed box, I’m guessing around the same volume but most likely less like .8 cu-ft, being pushed around 400-500W RMS per speaker. The power has increased and the quality speaker has also increased. I would think a sealed box would be louder facing into the trunk.