Alpine Stereo Deck

Was wondering how much I could get for this. I know it sells for 300 used. I was hoping to get a flip out DVD player to replace this one.

Any offers. And I need it gone ASAP so I can get the DVD player

i dont have much money but i need a deck whats the lowest you can go??

I can give you the clarion for 15$ if you’de like with the harness and remote and everything else. But this one I would like more than 15 for sorry. Its still a VERY NICE deck.

do you have pictures of both decks

if you can get 300 for it, take advantage of that sucker.

but any flip out dvd you are going to get to replace it is gonna be a huge pile of crap. keep the alpine because it is a good deck that doesn’t suck dick, like what you would replace it with. if i had the money and wanted a single din (neither of which is true) i would offer you 150 for that deck.

Would you deliver it?

Lol on both counts :smiley: 150 is a good offer :smiley: I was hoping to get a flip out 7inch dvd. Strictly because sometimes I have to spend more time in my car with people that Im not fans of for longer periods of time and I feel like the DVD system would shut them up for the trips :smiley:

Depends on what you mean by deliver (to Canada) no… To Capital Region area (maybe) and also depends on the offer :smiley:

How about Jersey?

if you are very very very north tip jersey I go albany to NYC a lot so I can meet you off thruway and 287 possibly (still depends on offer) :smiley:


i got the same deck, its an awesome deck, not worth 300 … 150-200 is a great deal for ya i’de take whatever comes by !

i got an ipod cable with mine , really works out great with that shit !

I still have the ipod cable as well (but its not hooked up into it)

When can you pick it up?

do i get the ipod cord too? and ummm where are you located?

yes you can have the ipod cord too lol. I have no use for it :smiley:

if anyone buys this alpine i got a remote and face plate holder for it that i have never used they can have for free

Thanks :smiley: (But I gave him face plate and the remote already as well :-D)