
Thanks for the typical PJB post, we’ll add it to the archives



u honestly have to be half retarted if you are falling doing x-country skiing.

:rofl that PJB post was perfect according to kramerfags standards.

through your house pete

ROFL I didnt know that was ChrisSS either! lol. Ohh Hai.

PLEASE dont get snowlorblades… get some twins and fuck around on them.

I have been toneing back my park rat tendancies alot, since my body cant take this shit anymore. I have leg/knee issues which were recently made worse from my bike wreck last month… it hurts to walk 3 blocks to my office. I have underjumped and cased the shit out of some big jumps in the last few years and busted my ass on alot of rails, which I wont do anymore. But I still love to flow through a pipe and get lofty on some big jumps. The Inferno Park at Mt Snow last year was BIG. The last jump, prior to the big air comp was big and I came up short on it and rebounded all the way to flat bottom, it was honestly lik dropping out of the 2nd story window to pavement. About the biggest Oh Shit moment of my life. But I went at it a bit faster and it was the sickest jump I ever hit in my life! win some and loose some. But yeah, I still love ripping a run. We fuck around alot, switch runs, tail taping lift poles that have a little lip to ollie off, just screwing around. All our skiis are twintips, and beat to shit, missing edges, holes in the base… so yeah they dont hold an edge in ice! lol so i hear ya on dropping in on boilerplate.

i love fucking around like that. my twin tips are beat to shit :lol but i refuse to ride anything else. everyone always asks me if i hang out in the park a lot, but honestly, i feel that it gets boring pretty quickly. i would rather fuck around down a trail or hit some glades or build a nice kicker into a natural landing. way more fun that hanging out in an overcrowded southern vt. park.

now when i go to jackson hole in january, things might have to change a little bit :excited

Hell yeah… exactly. I havent had a flat tail skin in I dont knwo how long. I love coming to the top of a head wall or something where mad people are stopped and looking down/shitting their pants… I yell drop in and do a 180 and drop in switch. ROFL these fuckers cant figure out how to go straight down and I drop in backwards! lol Or the ever popular hallin ass past a racer fag and switching up infront of them and carving just as hard as they are backwards with them! lol

Glades around here are tight and shit, but still nothing like fuckign around in fresh snow with a few friends and not seeing or hearing anyone else around. We found a sweet ass step up tap thing in whiteface’s glades. It was a 4-5 foot rock infront of a big ass rock cliff thing with a big landing and not too many trees to hit on the back side. We built a jump on the first little rock, that would jump/step you up to the top of the cliff and you just taped or rode it for a few feet and landed on the landing off the other side. MAD fun, 180 on 180 offs, tail taps, I even oillied my ass off the jump and cleared the entire cliff and landed on the landing perfectly! it was a blast.

Time to get a new board so I can clown leo

lol i did that to a racerfag last year and he was so mad, he tried hitting me with his pole as he flew by me at the end of the run :rofl

and that sounds like a dope little spot… im kind of new to whiteface, i mostly ski northern vt like stowe, smuggs, and mad river glenn… there is always stuff to make more and more interesting up there

i think a shift ski trip should be planned even though i know like 3 of the people on here :lol

I’m sure you will be doing plenty of clowning while you are skiing down the mountain and I am looking up at your goofy ass wobbling down the entire run.

I dont ski. I have before but I prefer to snowboard

Hell yeah shift ski days FTW. I am in.

Fuck ski & snowboard Ken Block said i could borrow the car