Snowboard vid from Holimont

It’s my first season snowboarding and I’ve been having a blast with it. Check out this rather comical vid of us at Holimont this weekend.

Dude with the backpack is a total faggot.

I commend the first guy for trying

inner thoughts: this is going to go sour extremely quick

I was just about as good as that before I had a bad spill at KB, got a concussion, busted my spleen, didn’t know, kept snowboarding, passed out in my jeep (internally bleeding), hour later drive home with no recollection, collapsed on the living room floor, almost died, haven’t been back since. Long story.

ICL make up a story real fast

rofl @ the first person trying to go up the roof of that shack…

second guy was not doing so well tho

Hey thanks for asking. If you watched the fucking video you’d see that there is 2 people.

“Jim” who was attempting the 360 and doing rails AKA the first guy

Now the second guy who turns back and forth and randomly ollies AKA “Backpack guy” “Pete” Simply sucks balls

:clap: for reading comprehension queer

speaking of faggots, who is that in your avatar?

i’ve never been to the park at holimont. was there last year and the jerks told me I needed a helmet

It’s his first season out. Cut him some slack. He might be a total faggot, I have no idea.

But you have to start somewhere…


dunno some faggot i think :confused:

you have no trouble spelling Holimont here :gotme:

Turning on a slope is not video worthy, I was better than that my first or second day out.

k thx

found it on a gay porn site

Agreed on that.

k im out

51 sec’s in is great

um… do you make believe people say things, so you can just start talking shit? you’re a dumbass.

i was asking why you called the guy a faggot, then the second was why it was “going sour very quickly” as you said.

see? what the fuck are you talking about? where did I say there was one person? why did you explain to me what happened in the video? I saw it.

LOL and then you talk shit to me about reading comprehension. You took me asking you justification on why someone is a faggot, and started talking about something completely different…

fucking retard. you werent even fucking close. why do you think you’re so tough lmfaaooooooooooooo

clearly you didn’t see the video if you are asking these questions…

oh, so its clear the kids a “faggot” because he sucks at snowboarding?


yea… sorry I didnt catch that.

I asked why he said the kids a faggot, not “is there 2 people in the video?” and “is this a video of good snowboarders?”


It’s ok. If everyone was smart, us smart people wouldn’t have people to call dumb.

So I appreciate you and all of the things you bring to the conversation.

edit: If you suck at snowboarding, I also understand. Same principal as above applies to snowboarding skills.

I answered the first why. “toe side then heel side turn” as in the the video that you watched who video tapes that shit? Apparently someone does. Hence being a faggot (term loosely based off its original meaning)

I seriously am, I’m completely badass

and thats where you are a fucking idiot. re-read and rewatch the video maybe you’ll see what the fuck is going on

edit: would you like me to break it down further for you?

being able to afford food wouldn’t seem as cool if it wasn’t for you poor people who eat at denny’s

same principle as above