Snowboarders pass pulled *vid* (snowbasin uproar)

Small uproar is starting because of what ski instructors and ski patrol pulled at Utah’s Snowbasin.

Cliffs of the story:

-Kid does a little jump off a bump near a ski instructor with control and not moving all that fast.
-2nd ski instructor stop kid.
-Ski patrol shows up and starts telling the kid how it is and to give him his pass.
-video gets posted on interweb and snowbasin’s facebook page.
-people saying they will not go to snowbasin, asking for this guy to be fired. something to be done about the situations
-snowbasin has not commented on this video yet and its been 17hrs.

Facebook post on Basin’s page.

Wow… Looks like a resort I will not be checking out this season.

snowboarders are douchebags.

and so is the camera guy talking.

Fist…yourself! lol

We truly live in a society full of overly sensitive faggots.

nice mustache fggt

that is why you NEVER stop for ski patrol LOL

I don’t think they should have yanked his pass, but those kids were pretty butt hurt…

It looked like he gave it back to him at the end of the video…maybe I could be wrong tho?

I dont see the problem with the video. They were going too fast in a slow zone right by ski patrol… its like speeding in a school zone infront of a cop an then complaining you got pulled over.

In your reference to the cop here… then it would be like you pulling over, going ok sir, and getting swore at, pulled out of the car, the car impounded and you arrested… for doing 4 mph over the speed limit and while you were going through the nightmare all the people driving by were doing 30 mph over the limit.

There is a large rift out here with a decent chunk of the population in regards to Boarders Vs Skiers.

I personally hate boarders especially around here the majority are punks that just sit on the hill in everyones way. Out west I have more respect for them because they clearly have some skill and actually go down the mountains. Ive skiied Colorado and Utah if they have slow zones its for a reason. There are several deaths a year from good skiers and boarders colliding with beginners who get in their way. And to the cop reference I thought of it more of just getting a ticket haha.

Snowboarders were our one of our biggest problems at KB when I worked there. Security did have a power trip problem though. Camera’s are EVERYWHERE. I don’t even feel privacy on my own dumper.

It’s not that snowboarders are douchebags, it’s that young kids are douchebags. As the “cool” trend starts to swing back towards skiing, you will see just as many douchebags on 2 sticks instead of 1.

I could see this happening too but will it ever shift back to skiing? I tried snowboarding for 2 seasons because I thought it was “cool” but enjoyed skiing more so I got myself some twin tips and havent cared to try boarding again.

Skiing is definitely becoming “cool” again.

I was going to make a post about not caring what people rode as long as they were shredders, but then I remembered rollerblades, razor scooters and skiblades…

Yea im not sure i would classify them as shredders either HAHA.

I used to snowboard but then I turned 18.

Another difference between this and the cop reference, there is no speedometer or posted speed limit in a slow zone. ‘Too fast’ is entirely subjective, he probably thought the speed he was going was plenty slow.

This is the unedited version, it shows the whole thing, the other one posted shows just some of the argument.

The resort posted up a response apologizing… but didn’t say if the kid got another pass or anything.