Snowboarders and Skiers Help!

I know theres alot of guys who go out but if you guys could do me a favor and keep an eye out for a board.

I got my board stolen today at Kissing Bridge and the worst part is its my friends board. I reported it stolen with the state troopers but they are most likely going to do nothing.

The Board is a 2006 Burton Dominant 156

its exactly like that in the picture minus the sign on it but the thing is my friend customized it by spray paint different graphic logos on it. It has a orange volcom diamond, a black G burton symbol, a gernade, and another one i cant think of.
THe bottom says Burton in hot pink. The top sticks out mostly because of the symbols painted on the board.

Im hoping someone comes across from the board, it really pisses me off bc i went to the bar for 15 mins because my goggles got icey and to watch a little of the game and bam its stolen. Also who ever stole it must have watched me because i left it right by the window so i can almost see it.

Sounds like you owe your friend some money.

Aww man thats so shitty…

I knew a kid who got his brand new $600 board jacked from him the first night he used it so he found another one later that night a stole it :gotme:

shitty situation. your friends not a very smart kid for giving you his board without giving you a lock. shitty that it gets stuck on you now when all you did was leave your board where everyone else does.

i still dont understand why these resorts dont have cameras pointing at all the ski/snowboard racks so that if something does get stolen then they at least have it on video. i dont get why this is not being done yet, this happens so frequently. holiday valley busted their own lift worker steeling boards one day.

Resorts are currently not liable for your stolen property. Adding video cameras would only create a grey area. Also, they would then have to assign someone to manage the video looking for crimes that happened. Then have fun identifiying people wearing jackets, hats, and goggles.

KB and holiday should have a board check station. fenced in area where u go and give the person your board, they give you a ticket with a number and when u want the board back you give them the ticket. takes one employee to run.

sry to hear tho man

i understand what your saying. both places have a security center. you would set the videos up, but only watch them when someone reported something stolen. it would only be a couple minutes after it happened so you have a good chance of finding the person. on the video now you have what the person is wearing, how tall they are compared to everyone else, who they were with if anyone. now, you have ski patrol who is all over the hills with an easy way of communication. if it is explained to them what the board looks like, what the person has on, they have a better chance of find the person and arresting them, compared to, well we have no way of knowing what he/she looks like, no way of finding out where they might of gone, so pretty much your shit out of luck unless you recognize the board on someone. the resort just needs to make it clear that they are not responsible for stolen items, just that they can help out.

This. I lent my snowboard to a friend a few weeks back and I gave him a lock that I had.

I highly doubt anyone that just stole a board is going to take it out on the mountain/be seen with it a few minutes later.

I will keep an eye out at Bristol though.

I work at a ski shop and will keep an eye out for it. Do you have the serial number? Without that you can’t prove it’s yours.
Also if you need a new one we have all are decks 30-50% off

shitty. I got a board stolen a few years ago at KB.

Interestingly enough, I’ve never had a problem at bigger places like in VT.

It’s all the shady fucks at KB.

so it wasnt locked up?

this never makes sense to me…
new board - $500
bindings - $200
lock - $15

nope the lock is gonna break the budget.

after my friend having his board jacked and watching someone try and take mine before i knocked him on his ass, i bought a lock.

shitty and hope it turns up.
check ebay and craigslist

should have locked your buddy’s board up

wow check this out

3 cases to why someone would take a board

  1. person just busted theirs and needs one to ride for the rest of the day.
  2. person just needs a board in general when they showed up without one.
  3. persons on their way out and figured why not take a board and use it themselves another day or sell it to someone locally.

what shop do you work at?

No Shit

he said i doubt the person that took it went riding, there is 2 reasons why he would be riding it

Yeah but usually you go snowboarding with friends and family. If any of them spotted the dude/dudette on the hill it’d probably be game over for the thief. If it was me I’d take it and book.

Does anyone steal skis anymore? I guess I shouldn’t complain. Theives really want SIIIIIIQQQQ Burtons.

lol, how many smart people are out there to take it and run. how many idiots are in the world that would probably take it and ride it. its like people trying go for free. they dont buy a ticket, but still try and go boarding. they get caught, they know what they are getting themselves into and in this case, either you pay double the price of the lift ticket or get arrested and pay what, 4 times the amount.

wow if you stole that. there’s 200 for you to sell it back

people are assholes