My snowboard was stolen...*REWARD INSIDE*

My snowboard was stolen from Kissing Bridge central area, right by the cafeteria on the wooden fence on January 1st around 3:15 PM. It’s a Palmer Honeycircle 152 or 153 with Drake F60 bindings mounted. Here is a picture of both…
(base is blue on black)

I know that chances of finding the board again is slim to none, good, doesn’t need to be repeated. The police are kept out of this, I dont care about any of that, I just care about getting the board back period.

For you skiiers and boarders who are out riding this winter…
$100 to you if the board is found.
And the interesting part…for you ambitious cats…
Another $300 on top of that if the person who borrowed the board comes with the board itself.
tell them IF YOU KNOW WHO BORROWED THE BOARD OR YOU BORROWED THE BOARD, come to me and receive a cool $400. NO JOKE.

I know a few of you (dre, audi sniper, etc.) own/work in board shops. They may be trying to sell it etc. so if you could help me out that’d be awesome. PM or my cell is 380-7823. Once again, they wont be in any sort of trouble. I just want my board back.

Thanks for your help NYSpeed.

shit that sucks

sorry to hear

is that $300 for the “borrower” to come with it alive, or come with it DEAD ? lol

sorry to hear man, hope you catch a break and find it

Thats why I lock mine up even when I just turn away for a moment, sucks though.

i know it sucks to have shit stolen but for 400 bux couldnt u buy a new one…

God I hate this. I had my skis stolen right before I started boarding. Now, I lock all my shit, its too bad it has to be that way now.

Good luck man. Ill def keep a look out.

maybe but then you couldnt beat down the thief…

mother fuckers :tdown:

my friend had a pretty $$$ setup stolen in colorado and somehow his insurance put up the cash for it. i wasnt aware that stuff like that was covered, so maybe check it out?

good luck though, i hope you find them and skull-fuck his corpse.

sorry to hear that your shit was stolen. i can’t stand fuckers that steal shit. my ex g/f’s uncle had like a $1500 pair of ski’s stolen from KB before. that’s why you gotta lock your shit up. i snowboard, but i have a shitty board, so I know that nobody is gonna take it lol. gl with finding your shit though …

that fucking sucks… sorry man

Thanks. I’ll try to call insurance tomorrow (home owners insurance). If anyone knows about insurance stuff i’d love to hear about it. ie. should I say it was stolen out of my garage or at KB etc.

If you buy the board with a credit card, it might be cover with its insurance.

I’ll keep a look out since I only really board at kb…but I’ll pass the word on to my friend at Sliders in Colden. I’m glad I got a new leash with a lock on it this year.

Sorry about the board.


this doesnt help now…but i always put my board next to a board that is beter than mine…so mine dont get stolen…same thing with cars…hehe

It was next to my gf’s morrow and a bunch of skis…probably a mistake

honestlly, the person that stole the thing would have to be a complete idiot to ride it at kb. people that do that get busted quick. i know of a couple of times that people got busted riding the board they stole there. lets just hope they are retarded.

DUDE!!! that blows, if i find that mother fucker, ill bring him to you in shambles, i think everyone needs to learn from this tho and lock ur shit, when i get back to town i will be on the lookout since i will be riding frequently

i work with audi_sniper, and we do carry palmer, so we’ll keep an eye out.

good luck man :frowning: