Snowboarders and Skiers Help!

They’re like a little less than $300 on eBay…might as well get a new one.

i know i should have had a lock but its like my 7th time riding and i try not to carry anything on my because if i fall i dont need to fall on a lock.

after spending 15 mins trying to find security, i asked if they had cameras and what not they said no.

My friend didnt have the serial number but he has pics of the board. I know for a fact no one is going to have a board like this and my friend knows the board so well he can almost tell you were every scratch is on the board and everything he painted.

my friend was with me and he actually didnt really care that much but i was so pissed because i owe him a new board, he didnt care about the bindings cuz they were old but now i have to get a new board and bindings, plus it makes me look unresponisble but the board was literally behing my back looking out the window.

I feel like someone was in the bar watching me and there friend was outside because i put my board next to a bunch of skis so it wasnt by itself…

ughh just pisses me off ,espically since i just got into the sport and cant afford anything right now

I’ll sell you my Rossignol Premier with Drake F60 bindings and Northwave boots for $350. The boots are a size 10 I think, the board is around that size, but I don’t remember the exact size off the top of my head.

You don’t need to carry the lock with you while you’re out on the hill, I never understood people complaining about falling on them. Just lock it to the rack while you’re out there. A lock wouldn’t really do much either. My friends lock broke at Bristol a few weeks back and right after we got there and he was dicking around with it. He went into the rental shop, asked for wire cutters and they gave them to him no questions asked. He then spent a few minutes cutting the cable on the lock, while 50 people walked by without saying anything. Its like a car, if someone really wants to steal it, there’s not much you can do besides standing next to it guarding it.

buffalo boards is 30% off all boards, bindings. checking online. a lot of sites are starting to have their sales.

im hopefully going to try to find a cheap deal or just wait till next year to ride if i cant afford to but two new boards

what kind of bindings were on it? any pics? I mean everyone and their mom has a burton sticker and grenade stencil on their board so pics would def help. I’ll keep an eye out if anyone brings it in for a tune

it sucks, but without locking it up you were pretty much asking for it

That guy can offer what ever he wants. He will never be able to prove that it was his board even if he has a bill of sale. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, without a serial number you ar SOL…

I work at the Ski Rack in East Aurora

He can have all the pics he wants of the board. You have any idea how many of these boards are out there? I hate to say it but kiss it good bye… I bet whoever stole it will pull all the stickers off toss on their own and even swap bindings out…

A few years back we had the front window of the ski shop smashed in for a Planet Earth Jacket, which was like the only one of that jacket in Buffalo. I few weeks later we saw the kid at KB rocking it on the hill… Not like we could prove it was ours even though we where the only shop in Buffalo that had that jaket. Best you will be able to do is if you see the board and are a 100% sure it is it is kick his ass…


did you happen to go up to the kid and ask where he got the jacket from?

I looked at him and said “Nice jacket you must have got it at a steal”. He just looked away. Nothing more we could do then that, seeing I could not prove it was ours.

all the symbols were spray painted on , my friend has pics .I’m trying to get them but all the symbols deffintly are unique and different colors…but most likely its gone but unless the kid wants to kill the board by using paint thinner or something to get the paint off good luck

you should really post pics of the bottom of the deck, that year dominant is very difficult to spot. being white and all…

i use paint thinner on topsheets all the time to get shit off, it doesn’t fuck anything up.

i’m just bummed cause I’m riding an altered genetics this year. I hate the graphic, but it’s got that stupid bean topsheet so I don’t want to try and paint that crazy texture

all the shit is not sprayed off, its simulated leather…the whole topsheeet is white…

I wish i could find pics online of the bottom of the board

wellll wellll wellll, justice has been serve… so i get a good deal on a used board and bindings so i go with my friend today… we do are ritual in the parking lot, drink a deucers and get ready…well we see these kids shooting them selves with air soft guns and being retards.

well they start to head off to the slopes and what do we see…my friends board!! we drop are beers , he goes running to follow them, i lock everything up and chase them too.

he stays behind them, i run to security, security runs into action we take the board off the rack and spend a hour in the security office then three hours at the state troopers post to find out will get the board back in a few months because they need to use it as evidence. well the kid also had another stolen board that his friend was using which some kid identified as his stolen last week.

the funny part is the kid switched both boards bindings to his fitting and then tried to remove the spray painted graphics with a scraper or grinder and then he quit so the description i filled out in the report will hold up well.

alll and all, i for a decent set up ,my friend gets his board back so does the kid whos board was also stolen and two kids get a slap on the wrist…

and we got two free passes…!

Nice, your the luckiest son of a bitch.

Fuckin Jam up, sucks that the board got jacked a little in the cover up, but at least the fuckers will learn that your being watched everywhere you go. Don’t shit where you sleep.

wow, with the thousands of people that show up to these places to snowboard/ski you manage to find the one son of a bitch that takes your board. props to you for getting the board back and props to you for getting them busted. i probably would have tackled the kid so his face would have hit the ground. lol all in all you are one very very lucky kid to have found all of this.

go you, henry! you fucking muff diver you.

Awwww man… this is something you only see in movies and TV!

Thats great dude!