Examples of Poor Snow shenanigans

As promised. here you go, guys

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmrCotW7yts <-- Steve

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj5cu5MqLE8 <–Scion-Dave

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGj-Lt9RPsc <–Vot

Edit, in the last video the slight whisper you hear is “That’s a big car!”

First time playing in the snow, I take it?:tongue

Like watching grass grow

wow ,that was horrible …who the hell was doin the vids there giddy and shit

That was the worst display of snow nonsense I have ever seen

and the peanut gallery chimes in. did the rest of you show up? did the rest of you produce any photos or videos? oh, wait you didnt! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats because Im not 16 and I have driven in the snow before hence why I dont need videos of it. Go take a ride with Germanpsi in his a4 if you want to see snow drifting

its called i was workin pickin up all the retards that cant drive in the snow

oh i dont care who shows up, it was fun for a couple of hours. everyone is welcome.

that was horrible the scion dude was the only one who looked like he was decent at drifting i gotta come out with you guys show you whats good you gotta let me knwo when u go out


If I wasnt 30 miles away, I would come hit those lots. I was hitting the PriceChopper lot in Cobleskill, but there was too much snow, so that turned into snow bank blasting. Then I went to Walmart, but they have cameras all over the place, so I didnt stay long.

PM me when u go where do u usually go

river drifting?

Yup the white a4 from the ice track

thats badass

Ive got a quick video of that

Mostly Nick’s car but here’s the video:

nick and delucia are pretty good with their cars.

Holy Phail!!!