first time

Wait for the poll fuckers. (This time I’ll remember the cot damn make votes public check box.)

First time that I drove a car?

Modded a car?

Raced a car?

Worked on a car?


first one binches

  1. i played a little game called just the tip at 15 and then she didnt want to bleed.

Got a speeding ticket. Duh.

lol i was 13 and it was so bad… i went like 2 min

Still trying to beat your record?


2 minutes? I don’t even think I got it in all the way and I was already wiping her off.

lol i got head first (thought it would last longer)

Jesse: hey aaron…

Me: what?

Jesse: wanna hear a funny joke?

Me: k


16, but it was my senior year. I started school early.

I used to think sex was a big deal. Then I got laid

I think that I was 17, but I may have been 16. Oh well.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Still waiting to hear that joke aren’t ya?

i really am.

i bet it was a DOOSIE!

i bet it was a sooby doo joke

so there is no joke?

oh good one…

go ice your hip gramps