What not to do when you drink your first time...

  1. Don’t drink too much.

  2. Don’t black out.

  3. Don’t… do this…

:cjerk: :cjerk:
:gay: :bloated: :touchy: :gay2: :gay2:


ps why the fuck would a guy stick another guys dick in there mouth if they dont like the facial

:lol: :lol: I’ve been blacked out on several occasions and I’m glad to say, I’ve never ventured to that side… thats fucked up, but I say it’s gotta be fake. I mean, who would even post about that? (then again… ya never know)

It has to be true. I seem to remember Skunk had a similiar experience with drinking once…

:word: Probably fake. If not, then the guy is probably about to go through a personal awakening. If you’re straight, you don’t turn gay when you’re drunk.

27 and got drunk for the first time
Been best friends with a dude since grade school
Sucked his dick
On a bodybuilding forum

Homosexual. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just that if this story is true then I think the dude is actually gay but didn’t know it or something.

for those of you that dont feel like clicking

i cant fucking beleive that

i mean, ive seen some shit, but ive never seen a guy get hammered and give another dude a blowjob.

and wtf!, who lets their best friend blow them?

that whole situation is fucked and i dont beleive shit of it


gay sex acts damage control
step one: access situation
step three: shoot yourself

still reading all 7 pages,but the replys are funny as hell.


This is on forums all over the net…funny, but probably fake

this made me LOL!!!

Originally Posted by the Shark
You all know the sayings, ‘if you dont push back its not gay’ and all those okay. I would like to slightly elaborate on these one-liners and hopefully get us agreeing on these terms, or at the veyr least ruling out the absurd ones and giving respect to the appropriate ones.

1) It’s not gay if he doesn’t cum
What this means is you engage in sexual activity with another male, but stop short to ensure he does not ejaculate. the thought process behind this is if he doesn’t climax, he didn’t really get off to it then, so he’s not into guys.

2)Its only gay if the balls touch.
This can only be accomplished throuhg anal sex, particularly when the ones guy is lying on his back on a bed while the other is standing up feeding it to him, so that they can see eahc other. This “rule” came about because anal sex is as far of a gay act as you can go, declaring it ‘the ultimate gay act’; thus ruling the others (BJ; HJ) as “less” gay and eventually someone felt they were not gay at all.

3) Only gay if you push back.
If you are having anal with another guy, and he is thrusting into you, and you just sit there, you are not expressing that you are physically into, and therefore must not be emotionally into, and therefore how could you be gay?

4) Not gay if you keep your eyes closed/look away
Say a guy is blowing you for example, you are closing your eyes because the idea of a man giving you skull is so shameful, you cant bear to see it with your own eyes. but if you look away, you may be picturing a hot female doing this to you, anf therefore there is not even a remote chance you are gay.

5)Not gay unless you get caught
Probably the most controversial of them all. If you do sexual stuff with a guy, you can deny it until the earth freezes over and no one will know. Heck you cna even deny it to yourself! But once you get caught, there is no more denying it, and you must eventually accept, that you are gay!

Im not saying all these are correct, just stating they are out there and the logivc behind them. Agree or disagree, Im merely the messenger. But tell us what you think either way.

“as i like to say, you go fishing once and you’re not a fisherman. but you suck one dick and you’re a cocksucker for life.”

great quote.

Nah, the bestest one :

“A man can build a thousand bridges, and suck one cock, and he will forever go down as a cocksucker, not a bridgebuilder.”

Taken for the U.S. Navy’s Military Regulations

It is not gay if you can not see land.


i doubt the tape is real… i bet they are just fucking with him lol

I’d say it’s not real, but gym rats are bigger chest beating closet-homo’s than F-body drivers.


J/K! :smiley:


why would you EVER post that on the internet…

yes yes…lets tell the whole internet that i had a gay experience

Usually when I get black out piss drunk I either fight, jump out of high windows, or throw brooms at parking garages…

lol. i only had sex with one guy and it wasn’y anything like what i pictured it to be.

When I drink a lot I’m ten feet tall and bulletproof.

a mouth is a mouth