So you're mad...

What do you do to get un-mad? As gay as this sounds, how do you let out your anger?

I want to just beat the fuck out of the next person I see. But obviously I can’t do that. And I don’t have any alcohol to drink. And I don’t have a punching bag. I just want to fucking make someone cry.

Punch myself

talk about what has made you mad and you will feel a lot better. the more you talk about what it is the less it will effect you (most situations)

masturbate…enough said.

Pet your dog? Masturbate? Masturbate your dog?

Idk, but alcohol is a really bad idea. Try taking a hot shower.

I’ve talked about it. I’m still mad. Maybe I’m just a lunatic?

Do you like uh da juice…err weed?

that is correct! Great mood changer

Dawn you should just fuck the nearest guy and get herpes ASAP… this way you won’t be mad when you do get the herpes cause you already have it.

1 Mad moment > 2 Mad moments

  1. you caught your father jerking off on your computer keyboard, and you wanted to taste it. Then realized thats really gross and you are mad at yourself for thinking about tasting it.

  2. your “Boyfriend Dumped you” AKA your dog died and won’t lick your va jay jay anymore. Just think all that extra peanut butter could feed the children in africa.

then its just going to take time so try and hang out with a group of LIVE (not online) ppl if you can.

and drunken masturbation is a good way to pass the time lol

after all the shit you get on here that you take in stride i dont even think i wanna know what happened to piss you off that much. or maybe its just been building up.

Sexual frustration. Fat chicks do not get laid often

im fucked aup now hhzhaha
ubnlimited bar at the wedding ftw

YAY!!! no one cares go die in a fire. or get mugged and raped by a black gay dude* and get AIDS and die 10 years later, with out your wallet.

*black gay dude used because black gay men have the highest percentage per race of AIDS.

yes dawn if you have nothing else better to do driving is a great way i take my anger out.

thats an interestion fact i didnt know that.

  1. I used to go for a ride when I had a bike.

  2. I take it in stride. When someone upsets me I look at the situation and try to understand what caused this. What did I do to create the problem and what could I have done to prevent it. If it was something that was beyond my control I let it go because there had to be a cause and effect. Obviously there were extrenuating circumstances that caused the conflict. Understand that and try to push past it or retaliate but violence begets violence.

Bruce Lee once said “If you make an ass out of yourself, there will always be someone to ride you” and “Take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.”

i am sorry you are so mad. i promise i wont go in your hair next time. lol

a strong rule is to post dawn nude.

Did you wear jeans and a budweiser shirt?

Here’s what I don’t do: Post about it on a forum so that I’m reminded every time there is a new post in the thread.

Seriously though, get off the computer and involve yourself in anything else. Clean out the fridge or something. The more you dwell on it, the more angry you’re going to be.