Need some advise...

So 2006 has sucked ass for me so far. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong! I now go to work to enjoy 8 hours of the day…if you can beleive that or not. So anywho, Ive tried everything to pick up my spirits and so far no luck…Im a big clubber and I dont even feel like going dancing…my mind is so cluttered I think it forgot how to smile. :frowning:

So, I believe that song heals…Ive been looking up lyrics to find words to help me through these tough days, because it doesnt look like its going to get any better any time soon, and I cant come up w/ anything! I tried to jam to KISS to try to get in the mood to go to the club…not working. I tried the X to get pissed off so I can just scream at myself for a lil while and thats not working, so I tried country, maybe if I cry til my bodys water content runs out I might feel better…nope, not working.

Any suggestions on how to snap out of this shit? :dunno:

In before the :lockd:


You’ll see.


chris is that you?

buy a gun and kill people.

im not a violent person…although the thought has def crossed my mind

do the emo thing and slit your wrist

the thought of killing people has crossed your mind… you need help fast.

like I said im not a violent person…

Im not that depressed…just looking for something REASONABLE to get out of this shitty mood…


I dont do that…sorry. It actually makes me sick to even smell it…

fuck some hoes DAWG

unless your are girl then buy a vibrator

me=female and Im taken

tell your man to cheer you up then thats what he is for aint it?

Im not sure sex would help…never really got into make up sex…but its worth a try

oh so yins are fighting, what about

I dont date my bf for sex…prolly one of the only girls that can say that

although it might get rid of this headache