Dont be gentle and I wont either. :naughty:
if you’re bored, go find some uber hot girls to be lifeguards. But you’ll just sit online all day and be completely unproductive to society.
its my day off. I just got done working a midnight shift. Theres nothing to do besides yardwork, which I dont feel like doing. So im gonna sit here and drink a big ass steaming cup of freshly picked…errr i mean freshly ground coffee and enjoy myself. But dont let me interrupt you as you bow to the will of your corporate masters.
p.s. you’re all pussies.
why don’t you pimp out the maxima a little since you have nothing else to do
how exactly would you suggest I “pimp it out”? I was thinking of going for a ride since its so nice out, but the car is way out in the driveway and this chair is pretty comfy.
just sit in it to lower it a little, spray paint the windows black for tint and go cruise. that would be mad pimp, yo.
Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, maloderous, pervert!!!
:flame again:
how dare you call me a festering gob. I know it must have been hard growing up having a streetwalking guttersnipe for a mother, but if you continue to misplace your maternal scorn unto me I’ll drop trousers and sully her face with my DNA.
way to miss the monty python reference, fagmaster.
take pics of you around the house
that would be
U worthless fucking peice of shit maggot! ur mama know you like it up the ass! u couldn,t get laid by a drunk prostitute with one toof adn a million dollars in your hand!!!
pics fatty, take some fuckings pics…
- Wearing your girlfriends underwear on your head, using your bath towel as a cape.
- you shitting in the front yard, car must be background.
- You in the bathtub with a beer and a confused look on your face.
- You doing a headstand and chugging a beer.
- Make a fort out of pillows, make sign that says. “PITTSPEED FORT NO GIRLS ALLOWED!!!1!”
go do it!!!
best idea