An open letter to lDiablo

ya but she has her eye brow pierced, thats pretty cool…about 10 years ago and even then it wasnt

^ lol

sorry im not as cool as you

well thats a given, i dont know why you would apologize to me for being a mess. apologize to mirrors and people that have to see you in public

w.necca drama at it’s best


I’m not sure.

HAha Im a mess please

i like kevin <====8

in fact most people get along with him great, lol

he’s been around for a lot longer than you

Now this is the best reply in this thread. :tup:

appologize to mirrors! LOLOLOL

Wow wasn’t aware there was a thread for me,you say I want attention yet your bringing it towards me?
I didn’t relize I sent 2 requests but after that she was a bitch so I decided to keep doing it to be an ass.
Shes nothing close to being worth stalking.
And you should atleast know where someone lives to be a stalker.

Not laughing just smerking:lolsign:

Not laughing just smerking:lolsign:


Failing at Life, Brought to you By, Idiablo233 and speedped79

Failing at life means you’d be dead,right?
Failing at nyspeed social life sounds more appropriate.

i have no part in this so fuck u buddy, you work at mcdonalds and drive a bonniville i think your failing nore than me dumbass

to Idiotfaglo:

shutup,you suck… i cant wait to see your car on my street this summer you and the rest of the pricks that pull onto this street like its a indy track, im gunna sit in my attic and shoot your car with a paintball gun



I nearly died when I saw this, lmao.

Then I saw this and really did die for a minute.
I love this thread.

i just cleaned mine can i join to?

willams and lz cleaning this thread up.

i just wanted to post in here really.