An open letter to lDiablo


Although i have nothing funny to bring to this thread, I can however offer a box of Handi-Wipes™ for any party involved whom may have sand in their snatch.

you forgot to capitalize the "I"s in the whole sentence; yet claiming to have fixed his.

also, You should not have been capitalized, and bonneville has 2 e’s.


meh still recovering from hang over, if you do not like it then fix it yourself, but i tell you at least you can read it now and it makes more sense then it did.

I’ll give you that.

I do not work at Mcdonalds, or Drive a bonneville, I havent updated my profile on here in quite some time.

I work for AT&T in sales, making more money than you ever will.

and at least I can Fucking spell you inbred hick.

Maybe carless and speedped should be married.

absolutely…we are going to make it a drinking game…but not till it gets warmer, its like a freezer in my attic…

beer pong room with drunk people=two broken windows…woops, im never getting my security dep back :gotme:

so let me get this straight i shoot i hit u drink? that kinda game ha

But if you miss, you drink…Duhh

sounds good

extra rule: no full auto markers, alky poisoning isn’t a good time

more or less…

we can make it really fun and just tell Idadouchebag to just do laps of the block and we cant paint his :pimp: neon a differant color, and whoever hits it the most wins, the loser has to slam a six pack of winners choice

this summer is going to be fun, i just gotta make sure i hide the car, you never know about these s.buffalo kids, i might come out to my car with eye shadow or whatever other makeup the kid wears all over it

  1. You could “not” care less
  2. It is care SPACE less. Not careless

Oh, and you all fucking suck

ha im game we should have one gun just a pump gun make it a challenge ha

definitly, this is going to make for hell of a video

but wait, do paintballs actually cause damage to cars, i dont want some kid suing me for some bullshit

from that distance using a pump gun, i dont even know if that would hurt, let alone damage a car

but i know a c02 gun from 10 feet away will dent the side of an 80’s mustang …

naw shouldnt do any damage unless u hit the lights from point blank otherwise your golden,… shoot away

ok, operation shoot Ildiablo’s neon with paintball gun is on for this summer… who is down?