Anaheim 1

Did you catch the race?

Here is my 2 cents:

J-Law is a douche talks shit… “Yeah that kid “Dungey” makes alot of mistakes and I just ride right past him”, then he goes and crashes on his own and cut the track. Stupid AMA just gave him a slap on the wrist and let him off.

Reed/Stwart: Either that new bike Chad has is FAST, or the yamaha he had and now Bubba rides is SLOW.

Bubba forgot how to hold a line/shift and gets his bell rang, and walks right infront of Windham. Partly the fault of the dumb ass flagers.

Arron Bates has to stick her nose in everything and tried to interview Bubba while he still cant even see straight. “What can you tell us happend out there James?”… “I crashed” hahaha

Grant is FAST. He rode great and looked just as fast as James/Reed. I cant believe he made it 1.5 laps with a Tuff block inside his rear wheel/brake. That was SO sketchy, if that locked up on the tripple, quad, tripple section he was FUCKED> Big props to him for riding that sucker out to the end!

Damn, I missed it! Speed channel??

yeah in HD too! it was a good “show”. racing wasnt that good though.

Yeah my buddy called me and told me it was on, fuckin missed it…Reed is def. fast on that Suzuki though, I have a feeling it’s going to be a good season for CR.

Finally, Chad is a great rider and a great guy. I talked to him in the pits at a 2 MX races and he is cool as hell. He didnt make you feel like you were just another fan. Jason Ellis has a kick ass radio show on sirius and also is an aussi, so CR has called in a bunch of times and it is cool to hear talk about stuff off the TV. But yeah that suzuki is a great bike. I think the biggest thing is the EFI. The Suzuki, Kawi, and Honda 450’s have it for 09. The yamaha doesnt have it yet, which was part of the problem for bubba tring to restart it. The efi starts in a single kick, cold, hot and it resists flooding alot better than the carb. Bottom line is if you are a “soil sample” rider, get EFI… you might actually finish the race!

I had limited time on a LTZ450R with efi, and that shit was snappy… almost hard to ride in rough bumpy track. it was sooo responsive and had so much grunt it was very hard to get rid of. I cant imagine it on a twist throttle. I am sure once you get used to it, it must be great!

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um what?

god i wish REED would win again!

reed has always been a great rider,why now all the hype

Stewart owns all…

Ricky owned all.

Team 819 FTW.