Ancient shark Video

Creepy ass looking eel/shark

Creepy indeed. Everything that lives near/at the bottom of the ocean is weird looking. Anglerfish scare the crap out of me :frowning:

weird. there is another whole world at the bottom of the ocean.

holy f

between the colossal and giant squids and this, japan’s been finding some crazy marine creatures

God hates Japanese people who swim. Obviously

Crazy. There is probably shit down in the deepest parts of the ocean that people have never even heard of before.

deep sea scares the shit out of me.

I forgot about those fish! Absolutely the SCARIEST F**KING creature alive, someone post a pic.

haha im so slow im thinking its ancient video of a shark im like how did they do that, but yea that thing is crazy looking. it looks like it just ate something wiht that lump in the middle

There are probably so many things we have yet to see at this point. The ocean is a truely vast place.

Anybody ever see the movie Deep Star Six? Classic 80’s B movie.

dont forget ghaz’rilla too!

Is that the fish with the light on its head?

that thing sucks at swimming.

but i suppose it was dieing.