Rare shark found in japan


ya, im down swimming from now on :scared:

It is known as a “living fossil” for its resemblance to extinct, Paleozoic sharks.

Park officials, who caught the shark and transported it to the park’s dolphin pen, where they turned it loose. The weak shark was able to survive for several hours

so they caught a rare shark to basically let die. awesome

take some pictures/video then let it go back on doing it’s thing - morons…

i hate it


Yeah that bothered me that they would find such a rare creature, and then take it out of it’s environment…idiots…

i wonder if when its down where it lives (like 2000 feet below or whatever) if it is mean and aggressive? it looks like it just chills in the vids i saw of it, but they said it was dying or whatever. regardless, it sucks that it died, but its really creepy looking and i hate sea creatures, especially weird ones like that.

It figures japan has some of the rarest creatures,lmao!. I mean they have the super duper huge squid. This hsit leads me to beleive that maybe even the lochness monster could be alive and well,or hell maybe even Puff the magic dragon…o fuck since i’m here y not a couple of cavemen with a pet named dino living in a cave off the magical islands shore of atlantis…:bowrofl:

LOL First thing I thought of when I saw it on TV is Nessie!!! I believe!!!

That is (was) a crazy looking shark. When I was a kid, I actually thought that those old black and white movies with godzilla and mothra were documentaries. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to live in Japan. :dunno:

“Frilled sharks appear regularly in the catches from bottom trawling, and when caught are used as food or for fishmeal.[3]”

Off wikipedia, apparently the rare shark isn’t quite so rare?

that’s funny…wiki is also supported by people like us!

mentally retarded shark?

"Video footage of the frilled shark near the sea surface is very rare, and the park says it will keep the video for research purposes.

The frilled shark is typically found at a depth of around 600 meters (2,000 feet). Its slender body grows to about 160 cm long, and unlike most sharks, which typically have 5 sets of gills, the frilled shark has 6 sets. It is known as a “living fossil” for its resemblance to extinct, Paleozoic sharks. "

So as bad as it was for them to cage it up, and let it die. It wasn’t as terrible as it sounds. Sounds like it’s a bottom feeder.

i always thought that deep sea creatures are very amazing. Thats pretty creepy but this is way creepier:
known as “anglerfish Melanocetus johnsoni”

or this guy that lives in most tourist attraction sites (Florida, Mexico etc.)

Fish are more fascinating then all the animals that live on land. So many more unexplored areas and creatures we’ve never seen.

It’s rare footage because it isn’t supposed to be there I guess…lol

It figures japan has some of the rarest creatures,lmao!. I mean they have the super duper huge squid. This hsit leads me to beleive that maybe even the lochness monster could be alive and well,or hell maybe even Puff the magic dragon…o fuck since i’m here y not a couple of cavemen with a pet named dino living in a cave off the magical islands shore of atlantis…

thats why Godzilla was filmed as set in japan. i think he actually lives there

those 2 fishes look cool. i sen the documentary on discoverey channel of deap sea creatures. it was cool as hell. one of the best nature ones ever. there were so many weird looking things, and those 2 were on there…