Sensative son of a bitches


Something else that just crossed my mind here. This one is for RX3 and Afrank, since i’m looking for your opinions.

Don Imus made a racist statement and apologized for it. The Duke lacrosse players were chastised by sharpton and company because the stripper was Black. Those kids lives are pretty much tainted because of this, and they have absolutly nothing to do with what supposedly “happened” to her, yet nobody is looking for the black community to apologize for what they said about those kids.


i followed this case pretty closely so i like to believe i know a few things about this… i dont believe the black community was the main proprietor of this attack on those kids I’m sure a lot of black jumped the gun an rode the guilty bandwagon but the DA Nifong was the main firestarter should those boys be apologized to maybe…maybe not something did happen that night rape prolly not but it was something that caused the young lady to claim this. Because if you look at it like this what did she have to gain from them going to jail??? She wasnt going to make any money and she wasnt going for the 15 minutes of fame becuase to this day they have kept her identity secret. Not to mention the email about skinning a whore from the one player to all the others. In my best guess is something happened that those two strippers didnt like and they went out of their way to get retribution. Do i think what happened to those players sucked yes, but if you have ever played a sport at any level you know that you are held to a higher standard you cant just go around doing as you please, your not just a regular joe. I believe the Nifong apologized today, should people like Sharpton and Jackson apologize for any despariging remarks probably for representing someone they thought was raped no. The Black community for being upset at what was presented to them threw the media?? Well let me phrase it like this if the roles were reversed and Black were thought of as the “majority” and whites were still feeling types of racism from some not all and a white girl had been raped by a black man then whites would be up in arms. Things like rape always raise automatic unrest so do i think they should be apologized to yes but i think the right person has already done so