Kramer goes crazy

I searched so I hope this isn’t a repost. Michael Richards was doing standup and starting yelling racial slurs towards someone in the crowd. heres the video from youtube.

I dunno if I can ever see him the same again.

that’s pushing it

holy shit


Yeah he went a little nutty.

i just saw this on yahoo. definately not something ide expect to hear from kramer. i wonder if it was a publicity stunt

That’s not so good…

the Michael Richards breakdown > the Mariah Carey breakdown

whoa. holy shit.

Whitey so crazy!

CosmicWheels (2 hours ago)
I was there and almost everyone stayed until he was done. The guy he was yelling at was being an Ass Hole. He wouldn’t shut up. He called him at least 10 different names. He said you suck, your an idiot, your a dumb ass white mother fucker and on and on. You only see 2:30 minutes. It was 10 minutes of two Black guys fucking with him. What’s new? They tried to piss him off and it worked.

Black dude exaggerates it a little on CNN.

I was going to say it really seems like there’s more to it, like the black dude had probably yelled racial slurs at him so Michael Richards responded in turn but just went too far. Oh well, yet another case of racism only goes one way… Well, nah if you’re an on-stage performer you need to restrain yourself and/or be more subtle…

this reminds me of the bills patriots story haha. (the one where the pats fan was “minding his own business”, then got socked in the face)

Snapped like Theisman’s ankle :eekdance:

He is on Letterman right now and he seems truely very sorry.


Letterman: “Why don’t you explain exactly what happened for the folks who may not know.”

Richards: “I lost my temper on stage. I was at a comedy club trying to do my act and I got heckled and I took it badly and went into a rage and said some pretty nasty things to some Afro-Americans, a lot of trash talk, and uh…”

Letterman: “And you were actually being heckled or were they just talking and disturbing the act?”

Richards: “That was going on too.”

Richards: "…You know, I’m really busted up over this and I’m very, very sorry to those people in the audience, the blacks, the Hispanics, whites - everyone that was there that took the brunt of that anger and hate and rage and how it came through, and I’m concerned about more hate and more rage and more anger coming through, not just towards me but towards a black/white conflict.

There’s a great deal of disturbance in this country and how black feel about what happened in Katrina, and, you know, many of the comics, many of performers are in Las Vegas and New Orleans trying to raise money for what happened there, and for this to happen, for me to be in a comedy club and flip out and say this crap, you know, I’m deeply, deeply sorry.

And I’ll get to the force field of this hostility, why it’s there, why the rage is in any of us, why the trash takes place, whether or not it’s between me and a couple of hecklers in the audience or between this country and another nation, the rage - "

Letterman: “But Michael, let me interrupt here for a second and ask a question about had the people doing the heckling or the people who were not paying attention, had they been white or Caucasian or any other race, what would have been the nature of your response then?”

Richards: "It may have happened. It may have happened. You know, I’m a performer. I push the envelope, I work in a very uncontrolled manner onstage. I do a lot of free association, it’s spontaneous, I go into character…I don’t know, in view of the situation and the act going where it was going, I don’t know, the rage did go all over the place. It went to everybody in the room…


just watched that on letterman, very moving.

i tried to watch it but they were already interviewing dan patrick when i got there.