Kramer goes crazy

I had to cross-post this. lol

this is nuts. i never would of thought i’d see someone like him flip out like that. shocking

its rude to heckle a comedian like that. but seriously i would think a proffesional performer would be a bit more mature and be able to handle the situation a little more professionally

Full apology

I reserve comments until I see the entire 10 minutes of video.

I could not believe this when I saw it on the news yesterday.



I kinda have to agree with BikerFry about the racism only going one way. it happens all to often.

but either way, he’s a performer, he should be able to handle those things and not flip out like that. he definitly crossed a line. regardless of how they were acting in the audience. he should have just walked out if it bothered him that much.


he should have just burned a cross on stage. that woulda shut um them darkies.

when he 1st started spewing, i was thinking to my self…
hey, your not allowed to say that.

IMO, people can not complain that it has the same meaning it once did.
it is now common place… sort of.

if he was any good, he could have probably just ripped them apart…
I wonder if recording devices were even allowed in the place?

also Opie and Anthony had someone on saying that the same guys were there the night before doing the same crap

I smell nagger!

I dont care what anybody says, Every person at one point or another has dropped the N bomb in anger and in fun. If you deny it then you are a liar. I dont think youre a racist or even a bad person if you use it but it shows that you have no class, especially if you are in a public place.

I was about to argue your post until I read that last bit. Now I want to buy you a beer for having a clue. So very few do…

idk. i think it’s all about delivery.

i’ve said it to black people i didn’t even know at the mall and they joked along with me.

“oh shit, nigga, that hat reel big” -me to black guy at foot locker.

I do think he went a little too far as others have said but what pisses me off is that people like Chris Rock pull the same shit and nobody ever gets fired up about it, he just puts on a big smile at the crowd and everyone laughs and accepts it and thinks its alright. When the roles are reversed, all of a sudden its some big fucking deal. I dunno Im gonna leave it at that before I start talking about issues like the movie “white chicks”.

On Letterman he called them Afro-Americans.
Is that OK?
I haven’t kept up with what they want to be called lately.

haha. i could totally picture the results of that scenario playing out with you giving a bad delivery.

“Hayyy niggarrr, thats a big fucking hat you got there boy…”

punch in face 1st round KO


there is a huge double standard …l know it sucks but thats life…you just have to use your better judgement