Yeah and u think Michael richards is bad

Listen to this fuck face, i would say much about kramer after listening to this asswipe.

Now this guy deserves to be buried

you can be black and walk down a white neighborhood at night and be fine

if your white and walk down a black neighborhood at night and not be jumpd, killed, rapped or fucked with

this guys just a douche bag

Someone tied his dredlocks a bit too tight on his pea brain

send that guy to the most redneck part of the south and let him give his speech, lol this guys brain is toast. my favorite part is the white man is killing you with cigaretes


Why is it that when somebody does something as Michael Richards has done…

…that a person has to find justification by pointing out that the other side of the argument has spots too?

Why can’t both of these people be misinformed?

I’ve seen this before. He is completely against racial segregation, yet all he talks about is how white people are the devil? It goes both ways asshole.

Oh, and if white people are the actual “niggas”, technically, whites are free to use that word as they wish. Thanks, Kamau Kambon!

O&A had Patrice Oneal on this morning talking about Kramer.

He seriously had the best viewpoint on this whole subject i have ever heard.

Hes my new hero.

:lol: patrice is the man

“jimmy, you just look like a guy that black dudes shouldnt like”

They are…