Wheres the outrage over this?

Imagine a group of white people doing this to a black guy.

I’m sure Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will come to his defense.

Probably wont make the news.

I feel bad for the guy. I wish I could give him a gun to defend himself. Sucks.

OP shut the fuck up with your whiney bullshit.

what happened was fucked up and deserves attention

“blah blah blah reverse racism I’m a victim.”

go cry


I think we can all agree it was not a hate crime…

But when he goes back and guns down all of those people who have no respect for other humans HIS will be a hate crime and Jesse and Al will be there.

How drunk was the guy who got beat down?

where they gay as fuck? why they pull his boxers off i mean wtf…you trying to give him a blowjob or what.

they don’t believe race was a factor! if the guy would have been black standing there nobody would have ever paid him any attention. It would have just been a bum holding up the wall. watching this makes me think of shit you see in the middle east.

this is true… black people never rob or assault other black people. it’s against some black code or something.

Funny when I have a black man sitting across from me from Africa saying, Black men in the US are very violent. lol

I think I’m going to turn everything into “Thats Racist” now. lol Should be interesting.

If I was stupid enough to go out drinking by myself at a black club I would definitely expect to get my ass beat or robbed.

Maybe I’m missing something… why would there be any outrage? This shit happens.

Can’t believe this wasn’t on national news.

Everyone knows that racism is only a one way street. Minorities can do whatever they want to white people and it is never racially motivated. Get used to it now because this will never change.

So a black man should expect the same at a “white” club?

You are certainly a valued member of our community here.

Nope, because the whites would expect more blacks to show up and get revenge with knives and guns.

Or they would expect to be shot before it got as far as that video did.

So a black man should expect the same at a “white” club?

You are certainly a valued member of our community here.[/QUOTE]
LOL wut?

this looks staged as fuck

I am more pissed that this shit goes on still: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-bloggers/2870131/posts

Inciting a race war and calling for bloodshed. Great way to get respect.