black girl be crazy

im pressin charges

gotta luv it

lol shes retarded as hell.
Someone shoulda knocked her out.


domestic violence ftw!

bitch needs to be burned at the stake, or:hang:

No wonder black dudes dream of white girls.

i just love the comments soooo much hate

lol what positive thing can you pull from that waste of society right there? other than the old lady just taking it and not letting that girl get to her… i cant see anything… the world would be better off with less people like that in it… that bitch will contribute NOTHING for anyone except for a headache

this may be mean, but if someone walked up and just blasted her one, i probably wouldnt have cared, maybe even fought back a smile

did anyone see the comment " now i know why they made rosa parks sit in the back of the bus"

see im not down on the whole racial thing… i just dont like her cause shes a waste of life… dont matter her skin color

(not implying that you think like that by the way)

lol no i thought that was rough too


hahaha, that bitch is nuts

I wonder if she wants to press charges…

fuck that was hard to watch. sooo annoying.

sadly that is what america is comming too… a bunch of un-educated drugged up hoodlems…


lol i’d luv to join this discussion

don’t want to seem “racist”

her mom should have had an abortion

i think she did

that broad is od