black girl be crazy

Because of this kind of shit, racism will never die. Say what you want, that’s just the sad truth.

“which brings me to my next point, don’t do crack!”

for sure, I can see a white girl doing the same thing, well, just not to that extent

what kinda shit was that bitch on?? Honestly if she kept doing that shit i would have opened the door to the train and thrown her out of it. Stupid fuckin crack heads.

see… i argue this… racism is not alive because of this… racism is alive because if a white guy or girl grabbed her hair, or punched her, it woulda been on tape, jessie jackson or sharpton would be there to stand on a podium with her and cry cause she was singled out… then it would hit the news and blow up to something WAAAAAAAAAAY outa proportion

then youll have the backhome whitey that sits there and gets more pissed off cause shes gettin away with what she is, and use it as an example to spread his stupid word

im not a racist person by the least bit, some of my best friends are black and hispanic, but to me, racsim exists because of minority groups constantly bringing to light that their people have been overlooked on everything and they are still be preducided upon

we cant cry out for equality and then segregate ourselves


tyler knows (that time in nyc)

that nig (read the whole thing before you judge) who sold us fack sabres tickets for a decent amount of money should die, and its people like that give the sterotype the name.
i like black people, color dosent make a difference to me

Paging Dr. Stairwell.