it makes it hard for me not to be racist sometimes :mad:
he got his ass whopped.
Why would that make you racist? The attacker is just a worthless human being. Not because of his skin color but because he feels justified in beating innocent people up to make himself feel big 'n tough. There are psychotic violent people of any race. What about all the white guys just standing there doing nothing to help the victim? There are at least 5 decent sized guys there. After the first punch they should have subdued the attacker. Instead they let him stand there and continually beat an injured, and eventually unconscious, man. The victim could have easily suffered brain damage or died. At best he probably had a concussion, probably broken facial structures (jaw, nose etc.) and sever bruising and lacerations. The victim could have easily been killed though, and everybody was just content to stand there and watch. They’re all worthless in my book.
well put
no not skin color but the overall persona of black “ghetto” society. now how tough would he be if the dude had a ball bat or something? not tough.
the woman was a ghetto women not because of her skin color but because of her personality that is unfotunatly associated with being black and in a lot of it is justified.
now what should happen is when dude gets out he gets the living snot beat out of him by some huge white guy and I bet he calls it a racial crime.
I know I have seen some huge ass white guys before that fat ass would never have fucked with.
that black dood was a punk, he had to hit him when he wasnt even looking.
i’m sure you woulda jumped right in and helped :blah:
"The video shows Mark Jones, who is more than 6 feet tall and weighs almost 300 pounds, repeatedly striking Joseph Scarpino in the face and body as customers watched.
Jones was found guilty of felonious assault last week and was sentenced to four years in prison.
Scarpino suffered a broken eye socket and nose, a concussion and a chipped tooth in the beating.
The incident began when Jones’ girlfriend cut in line in front of Scarpino.
Scarpino was on his cell phone and told his fiance it might take a little longer to get their pizza.
Jones’ girlfriend got mad at the comment and created such a commotion that the manager tried to kick her out.
That’s when Jones stepped in and hit Scarpino at least seven times.
Jones’ girlfriend, Prestia Sims, is scheduled to go on trial next month for her alleged role in the incident."
ps. you’re not a racist if you are aware of the percentages. stereotypes aren’t just made up, enough people acted a certain way that it became to be expected from that group. i haven’t met an asian yet that was ashamed people assumed he was smart :greddy:
once again… another situation that could have been avoided by smokin’ :shaggy:, drinkin’ ,
, and :bukkake:
alright dude you have overused my smiley :slap:
I just saw this. all I can say is that dude’s brains would have been platsered on the white sign…
Fuck that enclosed place with limited access, no one helping, dude severly bigger than me. Yup = Scared for my life / self defense.
that asshole should have gotten a lot more and I hope that cunt sees the same amount of time.
i woulda popped a cap in his big ass