The solution to all the world's problems...

is to exterminate white people according to this guy lol

Haha oh Jesus, I’m not going to even bother watching that with the volume on. Rasta looking guy + topic of Katrina + exterminate whites in the title = I won’t subject myself to that sort of ignorance and sub-primate intelligence.

Now here is the proper body to a thread with this title:

“White people want to kill us for many reasons, I won’t waste my time figuring out what those reasons ae, but I know they want to kill us”

Of course he won’t try to figure the reasons out, he’d figure out how fucking crazy he’s gone.

I like how he lists cigarettes and ritalin as part of the white plan to kill all blacks. Because we all know that not a single white person is a smoker or on ritalin.

I like how about three people clap for him when he says he wants to exterminate white people (one of whom they show on the verge of laughing) and everyone else just looks at him like the nut job he is. Even the host at the end “I’d hate to follow that one.”

Stupid paranoid hippy freaks.

ummm… i just want to shoot this guy in the face

Just to keep things fair and balanced in this thread, everyone should check out this crazy white dude too.

or… if we killed all the black people… then we wouldn’t have to worry about them bitching about us and thinking they should kill us all

Hahaha, this guy is still alive. :lol:

WOW i dont know which one of these guys is more retarded. i think drugs were a major influence in both of these videos

Fixed. :wink:

Killing solves everything.

Wow…just wow…

wheres “kramer”:biglaugh: when you need him

uhhhh… that head-case lives/works in my area. :bloated:

I would like to hear Bill Cosby formally respond to this guy.

I saw this when it came out a few months ago, he’s the apitamy of the Angry Black Man.

What you don’t really see is how many people start to leave as he starts to go off.

Mike, lets go find him…He seems like a interesting person that I would love to meet

word; obviously a very complex person with compelling thoughts and opinions… :rolljerk:

infospace says what? :snky:

Man I fucking hate all nigs. Each and every one. They all want to sell drugs to our kids, and steal out shit. Fuck that…


^You might want to add a sarcasm disclaimer to that before you get banned. :slight_smile:

The thing that blows my mind is that according to Wikipedia this guy is extensively educated! (A bachelors, 2 masters, and a doctorate) :bloated:

Anyone that thinks im serious is a fucking retard…