Kanye's Backstage meltdown

all I can say is wow. How do we support this cock sucker by buying his albums??

This should have won a VMA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7KYO9gLSPI

he was just on leno almost crying. i laughed.

:rofl lol’s were had

LOL what a tard

he is sooo fuckin redic! its reverse racism, he’s doing exactly what he’s claiming any white person does…

and as for the katrina video, how the FUCK was he able to say all that shit and them not cut him well before when they did???

no idea. He sounded like a complete Idiot tho. What a RaaaaaTard


he’s only hurting his own career when he has outbursts like that, people get sick and tired of hearing about his racism shit and get turned off… its his own fault

i cant say much without bein called racist ,but does any of this suprise you guys ,i mean really ?all most of them do is bitch wine and complain about how unfair it is .well work like most others ,be productive ,stop havin 11teen kids by diff mommas and you may get treated equally


I Personally think someone needs to make him talk “through the wire” again

well ,we can only hope the same thing happens to him as what happened to ol dirty bastard when he wrecked the vma,s …he ends up dead

I know that I am not by any means racist, however, i think Kanye takes racism to an all new level… he says stupid shit on national tv and wonders why people are “racist” against him? his stunt he pulled last night on the VMA’s was totally uncalled for and very unprofessional.

I was waiting for something to happen when Kayne and Eminem were both Nominated for a song and eminem took it. I dont think Kayne is THAT dumb to try to do something in that situation since eminem is literally 30x’s larger then he will ever be.

then it would be a race war

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl kramer you’re amazing

I just wanted to punch him in the mouth…