Kanye's Backstage meltdown




“Give a black man a chance”- CMON…REALLY!!! You dumb mother fucker, there is a BLACK MAN in OFFICE!!! Shut the fuck up you ignorant ass, reverse discriminating hood rat mother fucker. God damnit I hate this guy

def the first female to tell kramer that other than his teachers

:number1 good work my man ! LOL

nah on some real tho that melt down bs was mad old, he has a good history or being a mental nutcase

lol not very nice! and by amazing i ment funny :lol

Hes just a gayfish.

nah its all jokes kramer knows i love him …right kramer boo ?

LMFAOoooo awwwww :hug :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

This thread just got gayyyyy


liven it up then boys! :tongue

Thats man to you.

i feel so loved right now


well it was plural so it’s “men” :lol

No I was refering to myself. Not plural :lol x2


^:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Win ^^

back on track with this thread ,good job .