Kanye's Backstage meltdown

cut his vocal cords.



Wow that Nigerian Prince pulled the Black card because he lost the VMA two years or something like that? :Idiots

I got some fields, I think I’m going to start growing some cotton, :lol JK

Was highly uncalled for. He’s getting backlashed from EVERYONE now though.


They just did a thing on wakin up with the wolf

What if kanye interrupted some of historys moments

Rosevelts adress
Patrick swazes death announcement
Martin luther kings speech


Was histerical…

So anyone find the video form leno last night? I wanna see it


OBama one was histerical!!!

LOL I couldnt stop laughing when Leno asked him what his mother thought…

it was a blank stare with no words for a minute LOL

what a Raaaaaatard

he’s so full of shit too on realizing he was wrong right when he gave the Mic back…you can tell in the back stage video I posted.

Seriously, hes another one of these fucks that wants the black man to rise up

bla bla bla…

Again hes another arrogant fuck that throw around the word n199er like its okay and that its somehow going to make everything better and dismiss what it was meant as and what it means today

In my opinion hes up there with Al Sharpton in the Arrogant n199ers list…

he actually seemed kinda srs.

He gets paid big money and he doesnt want to fuck up his career anymore, he better at least pretend to be serious.

As to the Leno interview - For somebody who is used to be in front of huge audiences live or on Tv he could sure work on his speaking skills as they were comparitable to that of. 12 year old long island girl saying “you know” every other word.

No we don’t know. We don’t know why you are such am arrogant prick picking on white women that’s why we’re asking. No not because we care but because we hope you say something stupid or get caught on your own logic or be embarassed when asked a classic “mom question”.

Well played Leno, well played.


They were ripping this guy apart on the Free Beer and Hot Wings Morning Show.


I did catch part of it, I was dying. I’m bummed I missed the part with him interrupting moments in history though. When commercials happen I get ADD, and on goes the iPod.

Anyone hear about Donald Trump trying to get everyone to boycott Kanye’s products? :rofl

He needs to get some “cosmetic enhancements” from the doctor that worked on his mom.

Pics of his mom? LOL

Here you go. Many laughs have already been had.











