:lol: are you serious???
Shit’s getting out of hand.
The sun is yellow. “Kill that mothafuckin chink niggin up my beautiful white pasty tasty skin!”
These fucking assholes HAVE to realize that this is perpetuating racism, not preventing it. Only in America…
ie. my post.
:word: I can’t stand these damn people who think every god damned thing is racist.
Even the word niggardly is considered bad EVEN THOUGH IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE “N” WORD!!!
–adjective 1.reluctant to give or spend; stingy; miserly. 2.meanly or ungenerously small or scanty: a niggardly tip to a waiter. –adverb 3.in the manner of a niggard.
[Origin: 1520–30; niggard + -ly]
—Related forms nig·gard·li·ness, noun
—Synonyms 1. penurious, miserly, mean, tight, avaricious, mercenary, illiberal, close. 2. poor.
—Antonyms 1. generous.
Just wondering, but have you ever worked a job where your primary income came from tips? I’m guessing no.
yeah use that and try explaining that it has nothing to do with blacks when it means being poor and stingy lol.
sounds like that word was defined due to the habits of a certain race lol.
self righteous assholes like that need to be clubbed like a seal post haste
I love black hole’s
does it really matter all the holes are pink on the inside anyways and thats all that matters.
AMEN Brother!
what a racist P.O.S.
I can’t believe anyone even gave that guys comment a second consideration. :tdown:
Black crayons will now be know as Jews.
Why do we even have those words. Ohhhh yeah I know, so we can have some asshole to debate us by telling us that its RACIST.
Fucking Losers need to get a Fucking life.
How About we just don’t call Black People “Black” anymore. Since the Word “Black” is use in out almost daily conversations, we might as well not refer Black people as “Black”. Why not African American you say? Why? If a Black person was born here in USA, why should he/she be called African American?