its now racist to use the term "black hole"

i take it you sent some sort of message showing him what racism really is so he can stop whining about bullshit?

I did.

i bet alot of people are going to do the same thing, when the internet gets through with him he will be so desensitized by them you could call him a dirty N***R at the next meeting and he wouldnt notice.

i couldnt figure out anything good to say, so i figured i would leave it up to you guys

i know nyspeed will pick up my slack

Ok, Before I start a race war here does anyone think that Africans are better off here in America then they are in Africa nowadays, sounds stupid but think about it. In Africa there are record levels of AIDS and poverty, starvation, etc. in America they ( and other poor people) get to live for free and never get to worry about starving. A lot of black forget that Africans sold their own people to slave traders, so I don’t see why they hate us so much? I my self am Native American, I should hate white people the most, but I do not. Sure shit sucks for “MY” people but WTF, I don’t expect everything for free or expect special treatment.

You’re native american?


↑ HAhaha

But seriously, I’ve actually made that point before and it never goes over well.

i smeel tires buring already … but its ok to say that because your not black, and therefor cant complain … noone will listen

You should sue Jeep for Using your Fathers name. (Cherokee)

Not funny and not accurate retard.

Hey, whata gonna do :shrug: I don’t complain. I don’t pull out my race(gas) card and say look at me. Its just ridiculous how they act.

I see your point as well as other people will and slavery has been around since the begining of time the difference is slavery in america was outlawed and they continued to segregate and this was in the scheme of things pretty recent. It wasnt so much the act of owning slaves that was the problem but the politically correctness of the times now. If the issue was just dropped by people like sharpton trying to use race cards for every situation america would be better off. For christs sake there might be a black president next year, people need to stop whining and trying to get special treatment everyone in america has an equal opprotunity to fail at life. I get it how city kids are held back because of how they are in poor areas and their parents cant afford education blah blah anyone with the strive to succeed can succeed work hard stay in school get a job and your kids will be better off theres just as many poor white people with no opprotunity but no ones out there throwing rallies for them cuz that would cause a fucking riot by the NAACP.

Yes, exactly. No one says you cant go to college for free and get a good job. No one syas you cant wok three jobs and keep your fucking kids off the streets. Its bullshit lazy ass people who take advantage of every “Free” thing they are given and complain none is looking out for them. Im fucking sick of it.

but as long as well off educated men can make themselves famous by publically bitching about unfairness its not gonna stop so get over it and move on with life. Actually i look upto Bill Cosby for his outlook on this he basically says the same shit stop whining you have more opprotunity now then he ever did and look what hes done in life get over yourselves and start working for shit stop expecting it, and i think sharpton publically spoke out against him saying this.

There was a time and place for work quotas and minority programs to help them out of a bad situation that time has passed.

Al Sharpton it the absolute worse thing for the black race.I KNOW he fires up many people over many of the games he plays.He’ll be on the news about this in the next couple days.

If our “society” allowed racial slurs in jest, we’d be so much more at ease with each other. For example, my close friends and I throw the word “jew” in front of so many words, it’s ridiculous (Thank you Larry David, and CYE). What can I say, it’s just funny (ie. look at that jewface). And being a former tennis player of 17 years or so, believe me…I’ve met many a jew…We mean nothing by it, other than to get a chuckle, and we’re all on the same page with it. We don’t even drive VW’s (joking…).

Seriously though, these “racial slurs” are only problematic bec. people are afraid of who might get offended. No one means anything derrogatory by fucking saying black hole. These overly sensitive faggots (see, we can still say faggot, we don’t care about the fags yet) need to grow a pair.

Forget it, that’s all I got.

The Term Black Hole, Is not racist, It has nothing to do with people, where they came from or what color they are. It has to due with the fact that when a star implodes and creates a black hole the hole itself, or actual nothingness has no color or shape or being, it is that it absorbs all the light around it equally making it round due to its equal pressure.

Have you ever gone out in the middle of the country at 2 AM. Its awful black out. That doesn’t mean that a black guy walked into the room. You are taking this too far. What are we going to say when the power goes out? Can we still say black out? Because you know what color everything turns when theres no light? Oh right it turns black.

Not everything is about you, or your race or any of that. What you are doing is actually hurting you people, and yes I just said you people, and I mean blacks, african americans. The more you complain and say that something is racist the more we become against it because its rediculus. You are becoming a nuisance, and I mean you specifically and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You just got yourself in there league chief.

Stereotypes and all that are based on truths, if they weren’t true part of the time they wouldn’t be stereotypes. It is not our fault that so many of you fit into them.

Stop feeling so god damn entitled to everything and start fucking working for it. Equal oppurtunity employment has gotten so backwards that unqualified minorities are getting hired before qualified whites due to quotas. What is equal about that.

If you dont get a job its not about your color or race or background its about if you FIT that job. You are not any better than I am because of your color or your background or what your ancestors went through. And before you think it, my ancestors are off the boat from ellis island so that line is out the window for you buddy.

If we are all equal then we dont need equal opportunity programs and all this other shit, and Black history month.

Ever notice you people have Black Entertainment Televison and movies made by Tyler Perry with an entire cast of Blacks, yet if we had White Entertainment Television or a movie or TV show entirely cast of whites, it would be Racist.

Do you see the double standard yet?

Do you see how stupid your Black hole argument is?

Im not even getting into the cake part.

So the Next time you think about making some bogus claim remember , it is your peoples sense of entitlement is what has gotten the rest of us to lose all respect for you.

I would use the “N” Word but its just to fucking cliche at this point


From New York


Emailed. Thanks HRK