its now racist to use the term "black hole"

we dont need … Black history month.


In florida people are so much better off because racism is a joke, people dont care if you tell a black joke or a white joke or a jew joke they know its all in good fun. Any job i was on down there all the mexicans, blacks, whites, think this is all a big joke walking through a site youd hear and see people saying hey n**** get to work and they would laugh it off knowing it wasnt ment to hurt them but more as a joke and its taken that way. Fact is when youre doing a job with someone it doesnt matter what color they are only that they are competent enough to do the job and you are all equalls cuz you are all working for a living doing what needs to be done to make a life for yourself and family. And if it came down to it you for the most part can trust everyone there with your life because lets face it on a construction site you depend on everyone to keep themselves and you safe. No one wants help getting a job because it trivializes what you did to get it. I mean if you worked your ass off for a job and you lost out to someone more qualified you can accept it but if your givin the job because of your color it really does show that the only reason your there is because of your color and the other people will let you know it everyday but if you earned your job and didnt depend on race for it then everyone knows you belong there and you wont get shit for it. Hell this one black fitter i was friends with got more pissed then anyone else when some uneducated black man was handed a job because he was black, he went on this tirade screaming at the guy telling him how its people like him that make it harder for him to be respected, because this guy couldnt do anything but sweep floors and take breaks.

i used to walk around work quoting chappell, one day i quoted almost the entire “nigger family” skit, and i was working with the 2 black guys we had working there at the time.(jerry and greg) they laughed their ass off, part of which was because i had the balls to say it, partially because they knew im not racist.

on another day, Jerry was given a gang name cause he didnt have one. again, he laughed.

and on another occasion, we had a delivery come in on lunch, the driver (who was black) came into the break room to get some coffee. afterwards jerry said somthing about “i thought we were getting robbed”

i said “jerry, are you RACIST? why you gotta keep the other black men down like that?”

i tried to get jerry to say white power a couple times, he wouldnt do it, but almost pissed himself laughing as i chanted it

some people just gotta learn to take a joke, others just have to learn that not everything is a racist comment

It’s all on how you use the N word baby

I like to put an “-AH” at the end of it

Go back to picking cotton you stupid ignorant fucks

You have no idea how many times I used this argument.
Also I don’t rent to people who can’t speak English.(ghetto)
“Yo man,I callin’ bout ur apartment?What you tell me about it?”
You will never get you into my any of my places white,black or pink.Chances are you have a 3rd grade education and either don’t work or your work is illegal.
True story here-Had a puerto rican lady look at one of my apartments,she seemed nice.It was her and her husband for whatever reason didn’t talk.I asked if it was her and her husband who would be moving in?
Her reply"well we also have a son/daughter and my other daughter and her two kids would be moving in (girl was 18’ish 1 kid and 9+ mos pregnant)and (it gets better) her boyfriend as soon as he gets out out jail.I ask her"dang how many people are you going to have living here?"
Want to know her reply?“as long as I pay the rent, why does it matter?”
I wanted to say something right there but just came back with something like it’s my place so I like to know who’s living there.

A friends dad does the same thing as you. So far he has had no problems. Just watch out for the bait and switchers.

I heard about the whole black hole devils food thing on the O&A show the other day. Shit like that makes me fucking sick. All this racial sensitivity shit has got to go. If you dont like it…leave. Simple as that. Im a white guy, but not being born in the US I cought a bit of heat when I was little. Honestly i didnt and still dont give a shit. If anything I threw it right back.

But really. Maybe the government should send Jackson and Sharpton to Africa for a few months. Just drop them off in the middle of no where with a pair of Nike shorts on a “white T” and a machete for self defense. Than bring them back. Bet you they change their tune real quick.

Just my two cents though. But in all honestly. If your ass wasnt born in Africa. Dont call yourself an African American. Maybe an American African at most. Ugh. Im gona stop now before I get fired up. Shit like this just sickens me.

So to be politically correct according to these people, you cant buy a white or black shirt anymore?
You have to say I want the shirt that is color absent ect?

Made me LOL

this entire thread makes me think of this
haha i had to search for that link, but this thread screams it.

Now too add my .02
this race rubbish is the same argument the gays have about marragie.
Who cares blah blah blah blah.
I dont care what color you are, you have every right to be as misserable as everyone else.

well jesus i gave you guys all the chance to take out your racial agression on me in the other thread i even apologized for the less fortunate of my race. i dont understand why it is so hard to stop lumping these douchebags with the rest of a race…I’m gonna let you in on a secret blacks dont like jesse and al…at least not ones with an education past 7th grade so relax…dont let some dick like this guy ruin your days…gee whiz go get yourself a coke would ya

Exactally most educated black people think these guys are just as bad as the rest of us. they love the stereotypes because the sterotypical black man is the only one listening to them.

No, I am a trust fund baby but what does that have to do with this topic.

^^^ need a brother?

the WHITE coke or BLACK coke?

lol you dumb fucks.

They guy in the link in the original post just wants attention. Way to give it to him.

Ya bunch of uptight whiteys…

silly, if he was talking about black coke he would have said crack.