While I’ll agree with these proposed laws being a ridiculous solution to the problem, and that the AWB is laughable in it’s execution once you get to semantics and grandfathering of pre’bans… the comment about criminals always irks me.
Just cause somebody is a criminal or is about to break the law the doesn’t mean that we have to make it easy for them. Nor does it mean they will go out of their way to get/do something illegal when there is an easier legal option thats almost just as good.
Lets take Aurora Theater shooter. He could have used illegal full auto AR or even an AK (which we all know isn’t even that hard to accomplish as you can get full auto AK sears in parts kits), or even major explosives of sorts to achieve his target better of doing most damage and killing as many as he could, but he didn’t - all of his weapons were legal easily purchased by his insane ass.
This school shooter, while taking the guns from mother without permission wasn’t precisely legal, the fact that his moms had access to them meant he didn’t have to go to the black market to get the AR all he had to do is go to the kitchen.
Virginia Tech shooter - also legally owned guns.
In all don’t confuse amateur criminals who go out with a bang with gang violence and the people of the hood.
Those guys live their entire lives disregarding laws and are responsible for the vast majority of shootings in this country. Typically using a pistol and typically killing each other. Completely different ballgame.