A little gun history

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control.
From 1929 to 1953,
about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend
themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control.
From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million
Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938
and from 1939 to 1945, a total of
13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend
themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935.
From 1948 to 1952, 20 million
political dissidents, unable to defend themselves,
were rounded up and exterminated.

Guatemala established gun co ntrol in 1964.
From 1964 to 1981, 100,000
Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were
rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970.
From 1971 to 1979, 300,000
Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded
up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956.
From 1975 to 1977, one million
“educated” people, unable to defend themselves, were
rounded up and

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the
20th Century because of gun control = 56 million.

It has now been 12 months since gun owners in
Australia were forced, by new law, to surrender
640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own
government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more
than $500 million dollars.
The first year results are now in:

List of 7 items: Australia-wide, homicides are up 3.2
percent Australia-wide, assaults are up 8.6 percent
Australia-wide, armed
robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!

In the state of Victoria alone, homicides with
firearms are now up 300
percent. Note that while the law-abiding citizens
turned them in, the
criminals did not, and now only the criminals still
have their guns!

While figures over the previous 25 years showed a
steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this
has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months,
since criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.

There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins,
home invasion robberies (with the people still at
home) and assaults of the
ELDERLY. Australian politicians are at a loss to
explain how public safety
has so drasticly decreased, after such monumental
effort and expense was expended in successfully
ridding Australian society of guns.

The Australian experience and the other historical
facts above prove it.

Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes,
gun-control laws adversely affect only the law-abiding citizens.

Take note my fellow brethren, before it is too late!

The next time someone talks in favor of gun control,
please remind them of this history lesson.

With guns, people are ‘citizens’.

Without them, they are ‘subjects’.

During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America
because they knew most Americans were ARMED!

Got this in an email…thought it was interesting.

without checking my facts i believe it’s Sweden who demands that a member from every household is in the reserve military and has a gun in every house… home robberies are also extremely low.

would you break into a house knowing for a fact the owner has a gun?

Interesting and telling facts. An armed society is a polite society :slight_smile:

While I can so forsee the typical people ragging on you for posting something you got in an email/redneckish, a good chunk of that is true and does bring something to the table to think about.

Although I don’t think we have to worry about genocide anytime soon…

I wrote an essay on gun control for my English class when I was in GCC. Here is a cool fact…In florida in (i forget which year exactly, I think 2005 or something) they issues like 1.7 million pistol permits. Of those 1.7 million only 153 were used in a crime…that’s less than .001%. More people die in the US every year from doctor mistakes than by guns. I really don’t see why people think that Gun control is the answer. Time and time again throughout history when the government has taken away guns from it’s citizens…genocide fallows.

I wish more people were educated on this topic.

As do I. Unfortunately the media is incredibly liberal bias…and the majority of liberals wish to eliminate all guns except for the police and military. I personally think it’s a great idea…Hitler did it and look how they turned out :bloated:.

Good read. IB4 liberal douchbag rips on you.

I thought we were going to see a big swing toward an armed populace in the wake of Katrina. That storm showed people what happens when the police aren’t there to protect you. There was a lot of talk about it but then the bigger story was the relief effort.

One of the local news stations just had a story about “what you should do in the event of a home invasion” after that rash of them in Buffalo. Funny, they didn’t mention shooting the intruders at all. Instead their plan was “lock yourself in a bedroom and call 911”. I’ve never seen an interior room door that even a small child couldn’t kick through so that sounds like a great plan. Cops should be there just in time to call the coroner for you.

would you have to worry about being held up or robbed at gun point if there were no guns?

And there it is, the flawed logic of the liberal. There will never be “no guns”. You can take the guns away from the law abiding citizen but you will never eliminate them from the hands of criminals.

Im not liberal at all. just trying to think of a different scenario.

What if all guns were out of the hands of the people, and on in the hands of the military and police. and stiffer penalties for possessing a gun.

I more of less feel this is how it should be for hand guns, way too easy to conceal. You almost never see someone trying to hold up someone with a shotgun. Although the forensics of it would be a bitch trying to match the bullet (or shot) to the gun.

I certainly wouldn’t want to screw over the hunters, who are a ridiculously important part of conservation.

^ You do know that the 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with protecting yourself from street criminals right?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The key text there is “being necessary to the security of a free State”. The founders were well aware of how an oppressive government could basically walk all over it’s citizens. The 2nd Amendment is another check on government. A well armed citizenry has the ability to rise up against it’s government. Today they would be called terrorists, like our government classifies militias, but history might end up casting them as patriots, much the same way the founding fathers are viewed today.

So no, I would not be comfortable if the only people in the US with guns were the military. I mean, just look at the original post to see what happens when only the military is armed.

I agree completely it is in fact a constitutional right to bare arms.

there are less people educated in the truths of guns, than killed by them. We live in a society where the average person cringes at the mear sight of a gun. I’ve taken many people out shooting that swore they would never touch, much less fire a weapon. After they had a totally different view. After shooting a gun, you realize that the weapon is perfectly safe, until a person decides to do bad with it. We need to take care of the human aspect of violence, because weapons and firearms will always be available. Look at Britian, they have no guns practically, and have banned most sharp edged weapons, and now they are bannning samuri (spelling sorry) and other long swords. Thats right, even a 4 foot sword is banned. It will never stop, until we think logically, and not emotionally.

The email points out numbers but the truth of the situation is, would putting guns in the hands of the oppressed really keep that many of then from being killed. Nazi Germany is a great example. Giving the jews guns would not stop Hitler from putting them in concentration camps, it’s just going to kill more Nazi’s before the inevitable happens.

That being said, I am for the 2nd amendment but you can’t assume that just because the people have the right to bear arms that bad things aren’t going to happen.

I have to disagree. I know that my family is full of very good marksman, and I have had extensive tactical training. If you wanted to take my family, the assets that would be required would well exceed the capability of both the local, and the nearest cities police force. Now were talking about a situation where you know the world is going to shit, and you are ready. Once the government starts something, the word is out, and you can prepare. I am more than prepared at any time. A normal hunter, has 5x the capability of you average LEO. Most LEO’s have very little, and poor marksmanship skills, and are underpowered. keep in mind, no ammount of body armor is gonna help you when a 30-06 hits you, SAPI plates are still defeated. But if you disarm a society, the government has more than the capibility to overrun knife wielding citizens. Keep in mind, many of the countries citizens are trained by the military, the just need the tools. Take the tools, and were powerless.

^ You honestly believe that had those 6 million Jewish holocaust victims been armed there will would have been 6 million killed?

The German army peaked around 18 million soldiers. You don’t think 6 million people being faced with genocide wouldn’t have made a serious dent in that 18 million? As history has shown there is nothing harder than going door to door searching the homes of an armed population.

Jewish families do not become super soldiers once they have a gun in their hands. Yeah, they would have gotten a few of them but hardly enough to offset the Nazi’s. Do you really think having guns turns them into a well trained army? This isn’t the American revolutionary war where you have guns as a lifestyle as well as terrain (and stupid British war tactics) to be successful.

It definately would have been different had the Jews had guns. That is moot though. As the holocaust already happened.