Fundamental Right Being Denied to 55% of Citizens

There is a fundamental right being denied 55% of all Americans. This denial costs over 16,000 lives per year, meaning more than 44 of our fellow Americans will die every day that we delay. What should be done in light of these shocking figures?

Using the example set by President Obama and the Congressional Democrats, there is only one answer: Universal Gun Care for every American. Surely a right outlined in the Bill of Rights (2d Amendment) is just as important as a right NOT found the Constitution (Health Care).

Bonus, it should be easier to implement. After all, gun dealers and manufacturers are ready and willing to help solve the problem. Unlike the evil insurance companies, gun dealers don’t want to take your weapon away from you when you most need it. Nor will they deny selling you a weapon simply because you haven’t purchased one in the past (i.e. a pre-existing condition).

• Conventional estimates state that 45% of all US households own a firearm. This leaves at least 55% of all Americans “uncovered.”

• In 2008 there were 16,272 murders in the USA. How many of those could have been prevented if the victims had been able to protect themselves?

My proposal is a modest one:

• Mandate for every American to purchase a gun or be provided one by their employer (children under the age of 26 can share a weapon with their parents)

• Tax credits to offset the cost of purchase (for those making less than $250,000 per year and everyone in Nebraska)

• For those that can’t afford it, a grant or subsidy to purchase a firearm (union members can get two weapons subsidized before 2010

• Funding for a series of community based gun dealers/clinics and firing ranges (especially in under-served urban and rural areas)

• Monthly ammunition benefit so that no one has to choose between feeding their kids, paying the rent, or buying a box of .38 special cartridges

Contact your representative today. The time to act is now!

Haha this will never go through

Dumbest shit i’ve ever heard.

Does anyone REALLY want Jellies running around with a handgun?!

Or random inner-city jigs and pr’s

Not trying to knock the idea, as I think some states with more leniant gun laws are safer, but they don’t have the absolute human filth we have.

guys, the post, it’s using, satire. satire.

:ahh :ohnoes :ohnoes :ohnoes :ohnoes

Singh with AK :ahh:ahh

they are the reason that normal people need a handgun to conceal.

Im all for people that aren’t idiots to own guns. :rofl at the loss of 16,000 lives a years stat, outrageous.

I cant say I agree with this.
Making everybody have a gun is crazy and why do they need bullets every month, especially if the gun is just for protection? If its just for protection the original bullets shouldnt get used unless absolutely necessary, right?

Owning a firearm is not a right, it’s a privilege.

damn, ppl don’t know how to take a joke :lol

Only if your talking about owning firearms legally. I personally have several firearms all purchased legally in NY. I am privilaged to do so, because I have a clean criminal record and no diagnosed mental defect that would preclude me. I could however very easily obtain weapons not legal for civilian possession in this state. The problem is our wonderful liberal government has it’s head shoved all the way up it’s ass and thinks that by making law abiding individuals like me and Chaz only own certain weapons it will lower the crime rate. Anybody who knows anything about gun related violence will tell you that over 90 something percent of crimes involving firearms are commited with illegally owned firearms. If you ask me the solution is to let regular citizens that have gone through a backround check own whatever firearms they want. Make the scumbags fear us as much as we fear them.