Interesting statistics for you anti-gunners out there.

Murders by firearms have decreased each year since 2007, and more people are killed by hands, feet, and fists than rifles and shotguns combined in each of those years.

I went to the Florida gun market today. Selling over 70 AR’s a day the guy said.

If people could commit mass murders with hands and feet you can bet people would be up in arms about it.


They’ll be like “But we have the right to bear arms!”

Bear arms are way more deadly than human ones.

Winning Quote here


i am sure if a ufc fighter went crazy in a school packed with kids he could mass murder. it wouldnt be as easy as a gun but it could be done.

if mirko cro cop kicked a kid in the head going all out kid probally wouldnt live.

also if steven seagal went crazy he would drop people like flies

Steven Seagal is a pussy, but I liked Under Siege

Just realized why chuck Norris isn’t allowed in schools.

Statistics are thrown out the window when you can sway a large percentage of the country with an actual event.

My aunt saw me liking a reposting some of the gun stuff on facebook today and texted me and gave me shit about it. I gave her my side and my feelings etc on it and she seemed to understand a bit more. But when i got down to brass tax and said to her “What would you rather have, a gun in your home to protect you from a potential invader or your pussy ass half a fag husband?” She kind of agreed with me more. Simply said, are you more afraid of knuckles cracking or a shotgun racking up?

You linked the wrong video, let me fix that for you.

a crazy pissed off kid cant kill more than 1 person in a school with his hands and feet no matter how hard he swings

Under siege had tits, Gary Busey in drag and Tommy Lee Jones doing a punk rocker impression, Seagal being in it was inconsequential.

Do you understand that what is quoted in the first post is overall numbers?
Does it make all the other people less dead somehow because not all of them were killed by one person at one time, but by multiple ones?
BTW, pissed off kids have been known to bomb and burn schools before, no guns needed.

The number of handgun deaths while it is really high, you also have to take into consideration that some of our cities, like detroit, a murder a day…or chicago over a murder per day…or baltimore nearly a murder per day…when you have three cities accounting for nearly 10 percent of the ENTIRE country I would say its not a nationwide problem but more localized problem with certain cities…if they got their shit together our rate would drop dramatically.

Im so sick of the less guns/more guns arguments

I’m sure if those 30 million tightly packed people in cities all carried though, we’d eliminate the daily hand gun murder rate.

When two gangs are mutually armed, they are at a permanent standstill and they exchange bad words and have “yo momma” jokes stand offs. That’s where MTV got the idea.

1 thousand dollars cashhhh moneeey